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Pickguard Drilling for pickups?

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I have a clear ibanez pickup that is currently routed for only a single hum and one volume knob. I want to make it H/S/H and install a tone knob and toggle switch. I can't find a good ibanez pickguard anywhere, let alone a clear one. This is a beater/players guitar so I don't need the work to be the pinnacle of craftsmanship, I just need to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible, ideally with simpler tools. Soooo, how should I go about doing this? would a jig saw work for cutting out the pickup slots? What should I use to drill the hole for the tone knob? I can't find a good tutorial on self pickguard cutting anywhere, and most places charge a ton. Anyone who has any tips, your advise would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


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Hi Matt, A table top jig saw set on a lower speed will work. It comes pretty close to doing it smoothly as well. Just cut out the cavity a hair smaller then you want it and use either a flat file or a thin board with some sandpaper to clean it up and bring it out to the line you have scored where you want the cavity.

I Should have a tutorial up on this in a few weeks, Just waiting on a body to show up. I use a router though for the cutting. For the tone and volume pot holes I use a drill dress and go slow so I don't crack the plastic.

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