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Lp Neck Angle - Top Too Thick?

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So I just put the 4.5 degree neck angle into my lp. I set the blade angle on the table saw to 4.5 degrees and lined up the fence so that the slope would peak where the fretboard ends (3.25" from the neck-body connection). The problem: The maple at its thinest point is 1/2" (the neck-body connection area) and I was planning to carve it down to 1/4" at the edges - 1/2" is too thick for binding. Perhaps it is because the top is 3/4" + 1/16".

What should I do? Set up a thickness jig for my router, take a bit off, and then put a new angle in? steeper angle? should it extend farther?


Also, is 1/2 inch sufficient for a bridge heigh? I do not have my bridge yet. Help Please!

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You cannot really answer any of these questions until you have your bridge. Or at least, until you KNOW (no guessing!) what your bridge thickness is and about how high your saddles will be off the top.

When I'm planning a proj, the bridge is the first piece of hardware I decide on, for these very reasons.

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You could just change the angle and cut it deeper. It really doesn't matter if you angle doesn't end right at the end of the fretboard if you're going to have a neck pickup. You'd end up routing that material away anyhow. What bridge are you using? I make it a point to not start a project without the hardware in hand, or at least a list of every critical dimension of the hardware.

made an illustration for you:




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I understand the issue you are trying to overcome. I am trying to figure out where your fretboard lines up in relation to your drawing. Is it setting just above the line you have cut in the body(top)? or is it setting flush (top of maple = top of fretboard?), maybe the neck is at a slighter angle and this is just relief in the top and the actual neck pocket is going to be routed at a different angle. 4.5 deg. of angle seems quite steep if it is the actual neck angle (so I must be missing something becuase that would place min. bridge height at close to 7/8"). I see Russ's responce so odds are I am just not seeing the whole picture :D .

I would be happy to make a quick CAD sketch if you post up scale length (# of frets and distance between end of fretboad and last fret), type of bridge, fret # the upper bout meets and all significant angles you are using.


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No rich, you're right, that is pretty steep. I didn't really give it a second thought. I think I know what the problem is though. Stenns, are you drawing a line fro the top of the bridge to the bottom of the fret board? You should draw the line with the bridge bottomed out(again, figure out your actual bridge height) and a line going from the top of the bridge's d or g saddle to the top of the frets on the neck.



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Is that accurate?

No mate it's not. You need a bridge before you go any further. Once you glue the neck in you're committing yourself.

Yes, he is correct. You need to be accurate, and have good information to work with (at least if you want it correct). I through a WAG at it based on what I figured it would be. The offer stands to draw it for you if you feed me the info :D .


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