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My First Projects!

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ok, so ive been trying to build a guitar for over a year now, but no access to tools or anything. i used to buy junk guitars and fix them up than re-sell them for pretty cheap to my friends just enoguh to cover cost of parts. but never been able to live my dream and build my own and ive finally got the chance! i talked my woodshop teacher into letting me build guitars hroguh out my senior year so far im planning on a Les Paul and a Jackson Rhodes V. for the les paul here are my plans...

24 3/4"

Mahogany body

Flamed maple top (depending on what i decide for a finish)

Mahogony neck

rose wood finger board

21 frets

EMG 81/85

black hardware (depending on the finish)

either trapezoid or cross inlays with a skull and cross bone at 12th fret.

i have to order the neck from warmoth because my wood tech teacher sais we dont have the tools to do it and he doesnt want to spring for them because im the only kid whos tried to build a guitar.

for the jackson V im thinking....

25 1/2"

Mahogany body

maple neck (from warmoth aswell)

ebony finger board

celtic cross inlays

24 frets

duncan SH-13 invader/'59

black chrome hardware (if i can find it any where! i havnt checked stewmac yet)

going to get expensive, but who cares, its worth it! only issue im running into asside from funds are going to be running LOW when im done is finishing. aside from stain, ive got nothing to finish with. i dont want to use standard furniture stain on these... if im going to do it, im going to make my dream guiatrs as perfect as possible. i want a trans finish (Id LOVE a tobacco burst on the LP) on both, or a solid spray on one of them, probably the V. is there some where i can send the out too? i checked warmoth but they will only paint stuff that you buy from them, at the time you buy it... any suggestions, tips, or places to send my guitars to get finished would be more than welcome.. ill update here! thanks guys!

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ok.. ran into an issue already! the plans have measurments for fret distances and they say for a 24.568" (somthing like that) UNCOMPENSATED scale. the ONLY neck scales i can order are 24 3/4" and 25.5". whats with uncompensated? and im saying its safe to assume that im screwed on that since my wood tech teacher doesnt want me to build the neck due to lack of correct tools.

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