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Sticker Inlay..gluing Paper, Or Smtng?


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I was wondering..

Is there some way to make plain dot marker ilays to look better by adding something beside them..

Something like small simplified leave shaped paper stickers arround the dot..so it looks like a flower..or smtng..?

What would be the best and longest lasting material..cause i guess that plain paper would be easily and fast teared off..

Maybe plasticised paper..or very thinn plastic..or something..?

I do not wanna drill the board or something..just something easy, please..

Any ideas..?

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i would guess the best thing would be a small vinyl sticker, then refinish it or something

Unless you refinish in something really hard/thick, you won't stop it bein worn away. There's a reason people actually go to the effort of routing pockets you know, if it was that simple, or going to look that good using stickers, do you think they'd bother?

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When will people on this board learn that either you have to fund something properly or it won't look good.

That's not just you, it's been coming up a lot lately. Yes, you can build on a budget, if you have the skills. But if you don't have the skills or the cash, you're going to end up disappointed, and ruining a guitar.

Plain and simple.

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