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Ice Ice, Baby


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With all due respect to Perry, I understand his views, but I would say that we all have different ways we like to do things and different paths that all lead to basically the same destination.

I won't say his is a better way, because I don't think it is, I just look at it as a -different- way, and I disagree with him on the finer points of his discussion, because if I remember correctly, he still uses a dark color first, the only difference is he -wipes- his dark color off instead of -sanding- it off.

Saying his wood is soooo fine it doesn't need a sandback is a bit inflammatory, but that's Perry, I understand his point, he's a pro builder and gets the finest maple on earth to please his customers and all that, yada yada yada, perfectly understandable point. ( :D )

Now, I -would- like to have a civil and adult discussion about this, I really have no 'stand' on it that one way is proven better than another, to me, they're all just different tools in the toolboxes we have to use, I just have the way I prefer, but I also honor Perry's experience and input too.

I'll hold my thoughts on the matter as I would like to start a whole new thread on this very topic, as I find it very interesting to experiment with and pursue different options, because I have many different ways I've done it, not just one, I have picked the way I like to do it, but I do alter my methods occasionally per piece of work. I 'play to the wood' so to speak, on an individual piece by piece basis, and different woods want different techniques to bring them out.

Long story short, I can sand back a finish and still make it 'dance' like he describes if I want to.

Truth is, I don't always -want- it to do that, and if I did, I can make that effect -very- extreme by using a yet different method, but we'll address that in the new thread. :D

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