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How To Remove Nut From Strat


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start by trying to hook a fingernail under one end and see if it will lift right out. if it won't it's probably glued in. if that's the case take a small piece of wood and place it at the very end of the nut and tap it with a small hammer. that should break the glue loose and allow it to be slipped right out.

and you should be able to "shave" it down a little and re-use it.

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I agree with unclej, but before you do that, cut the finish around the nut with a sharp knife (if that guitar has finish onto the nut). The poly on newer Fenders will hold the nut in, and you don't want to rip off a chuck of finish knocking the nut out. Also, be very careful not to break off the sliver of wood behind the nut (on the peghead side).

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