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Lapsteel No.2


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After I did my first lapsteel, my son wanted one too. So I went to the drawing board and created a new style. This is a lot deeper and hollowed out. The back is clear pine and the front is 3/4" mahogany. In the style of Weissenborn I hollowed out the neck; leaving quite of bit material on the perimeters, about 1/2" to 3/4". I'm curious to see how it will sound unplugged. I'm still in the progress of finishing it. The tailpiece is something new. Rather than neck thru, it is similar but top loading. You can see where the cavity for the string plate will be; it's made of purpleheart. The fretboard is alternating pieces of maple and purpleheart, quite striking. I'm installing a humbucker for now (something that is on hand) but will probably replace with a humbucker sized P-90 down the road.

Hopefully he'll be pleased.

Will post other pics when done. :D


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There doesn't seem to be much interest in a lapsteel build. But hey, I enjoyed this build. After stringing it up and giving a few strums, I think it sounds a little more 'airy' than my solid lapsteel build.

But with no further adieu here is the unveiling of the finished project. :D


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Dude, that's spectacular. I'd love to see some close-ups of your customized parts-- the nut, bridge, tailpiece, and mounting rings in particular. :D


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Nice! Any preference for what tuning you'll be using? I've been trying C6, but it's hard to escape the Hawaiian sound with that particular tuning and I'm primarily a rock and alt-country type guy.

What material did you use for the metal "bar" in the bridge and nut?

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Nice! Any preference for what tuning you'll be using? I've been trying C6, but it's hard to escape the Hawaiian sound with that particular tuning and I'm primarily a rock and alt-country type guy.

What material did you use for the metal "bar" in the bridge and nut?

Just a common 3 1/4" nail. I'm redoing the bridge and nut on my personal build ( I found the large radius of the 1/2" copper pipe caused buzz on the high E string) and am going to try 8 gauge solid copper wire (with the same purpleheart base). Even though copper is quite soft I thought I'd give it a whirl, since I have the guitar at my disposal it's quite easy for me to change it out.

Currently I'm using a open G tuning, this is my first foray into a lapsteel. I'm sure in time I'll explore other tunings. A lot of fun. C6 sounds interesting; as a kid I use to love the Haiwiaan sounds on the radio.

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I love it!

The fretboard is fantastic

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