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I want to get a gloss black finish on my guitar, like a kind of blackie Eric clapton strat type black. I'm using rattle can spray paint for it. Should I put a matt, satin or gloss black as the black underneath the clear coat? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

One other quick question. There is one spot where after putting the primer on the guitar I have realised that I didn't quite sand the grain back enough and it has created some pits in the primer where I'm having trouble sanding it back. Will this show up after them many many coats of black and clear paint I put on or should I sand that entire section back to wood and start again?

Thanks guys


I'm currently refurbishing my 67 Hagstrom III in black. Gloss or flat for the color coat doesn't really matter just so long as your clearcoat is a gloss. I'm using "Plasti-coat" super lacquer that I found at a local autobody supply store, very good stuff. The color coat is gloss black and, as its lacquer, there are no bonding issues between the clear and color. However, if you are not using lacquer then a gloss color coat should be scuff sanded and cleaned before shooting clear. One important factor, use the same type and brand of paint ie. Plasti-coat acrylic lacquer in my case, for everything.

Regarding your primer, keep shooting / filling until those pits are filled, do some level sanding and fill again if needed. Gloss black is one of the most difficult finishes to get right. EVERY little flaw will show up so you better make sure your prep is near perfect.

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