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Work Is Progressing Nicely On My Pine Body Les Paul.

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Well I'm sure that most of you remember that I started work on a Pine body Les Paul from the wood I had left of the built of my double neck.



The body and neck just after I finished routing them.

Well in the mean time a lot of time has passed and thanks to a very busy work load I didn't really have that much time to work on that project, until last week that is.


The guitar as it was this morning, I did the lion share of the shaping of the neck last week and the result speaks for itself.



And a nice close up of the neck-body connection

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And the headstock, as you can tell I had to work away a little screw up where the nut sits, I took the same wood as the headstock face but it colored differently when I filed it down to size, hopefully I can mask it when I get around to finishing the guitar.


Japanese-made Kluson-style tuners will be on this one.

And here's where I drilled the holes for them to fit.



Bushings fit perfectly, note that the bushing of the B string is from a different type but it came with the tuners in an unopened package so it's a mistake from the company. No matter, a replacement Bushing can be found no problem.


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And the tuners look perfectly at home on this headstock.


And then I decided to work on the Pickguard which I envisioned to be a more rounded version of a Les Paul Junior's


Tracing paper, and the rough idea drawn out with a sharpy.


Tracing paper on the pickguard material after I sawed the rough shape out.


And finally, here's the pickguard finished, refined and all.

I'll keep you guys posted on how it comes along, tomorrow will be fret day.

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