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Made In Indonesia (anderson's First Build)

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now about the colour

I wanted to use purple actually, but the lady (not mine) said "orange is cool!", so orange it is B)

about that lady, I don't know how to say it, but since this is a luthier forum, I think I don't have to say it here B)

the problem is, I never used orange before (I painted a lot of guitars).

so, I had a hard time to decide what kind of orange I'm gonna do.

but, like the ad says: just do it, so I did it.

in my language: "HAJAR BLEH" :D

the result is like this:


surprisingly good

reminds me of carrot :D

Edited by Ricky Anderson
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976 views on this thread, but only 6 people share their thought about this building progress.

one of my friend said maybe it's because of my thread title "made in Indonesia" :D

but I don't care :P

I'm proud to be an Indonesian, and will always be :D

I'll share one more pic before I go to work on my guitar, or most likely to bed B)

here's my family pic, not all of us, just what I got in my room at this time


*I'm a pretty good swirler too, eh? B)


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I hope the carrot coloring doesn´t clash with the neck

I was afraid about that thing as well.

but, let's see...

frontside w/ dark brown hstock:


backside w/ weathered brown body:


what do you guys think?

I can't change it anymore anyway, it's final.

if it looks bad after I put all of the hardware, I'm gonna blame the lady :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

my orange lady has some flaws, cosmetically, but I leave it as it is, because I love her just the way she is :D

one last thing:

födelsedagen min söta lilla läkare

I don't know if it's correct or not, it's been a while since my last time learning it, but for those of you who speak this language, wish me luck guys :D

(even though I don't believe in luck at all).


Edited by Ricky Anderson
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you may hate the looks, but maybe you're gonna love the way it feels when you play it :D

I've always kinda been one that doesn't buy a guitar unless it looks awesome. That's probably a bad thing and yours does look like it'd be easy to play with it sitting on the left leg like how I play, but I usually play standing and I really don't mind my RG's and Superstrats when sitting. Lots of people seem to be doing 'ergonomic' bodies but I still like the good ole super strats, explorers, and V's. I do have to admit that certain bodies drive me up the wall when it comes to comfort though. dang Ovations. I won one in a raffle and it's a pain to play cuz the dumb bulb shaped back sticks right into my gut.

For me, the order of importance is the neck feel, a cool but balanced body, good hardware, good pickups, and then a comfortable body for sitting. Like I said, I play standing so (for me at least) an ergonomic body for sitting is not important. For some people it's probably the most important though.

I like the orange though, unique in a cool way.

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  • 6 months later...


No that you've had this for a while, how's the sound with the straight pick-ups, yet "slanted" scales? For a lot of folks, that's a "deal killer". I can see the bridge pick-up sounding a bit Tele-ish, but I don't have an idea of what the 24-22 Fret-ish sound of the Neck would be.


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