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Burl Maple Finishing

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i am in the stage of finishing my burl maple top...Would you suggest this order?

a)gab epoxy filling 2)double staining 3)sealer spraying ??


a)double staining b)gab epoxy filling 3)sealer spraying???

my wood is from Fraser valley ,something like this


ps:would you suggest staining or not this wood???

Edited by theodoropoulos
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my first trial with second way had a problem...pores (in maple??) were stained black and showed something not good..

i used water based stain.should i used different stain?

should i first seal the whole thing???


most people I know that finish burl, fill first(usually black or contrasting), sand back to flush, seal with a few washcoats of shellac(1 lb cut) and then begin the finishing regimine, shooting color(transparent)If color at all, then final clears. this is the only way i have ever done it, but I have only done 8 or 9 burl tops, so I am no authority.

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