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Hybrid Bass Resurrection


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I haven't done a build thread in a long time. Usually when people say that, they've been cranking out guitars by the dozens and just don't have time to document it all. With me, it's just the opposite. I work very, very slowly, and tend to get distracted by other projects (not to mention family and work). But I thought this one was interesting, and I have a sneaking suspicion I might finish it sometime in the not-too-distant future, so here we go.

When I first started building, I tried to build a hybrid electric acoustic guitar out of some 12/4 African Mahogany. Total failure. There was router tearout everywhere. I tried to fix it with homemade wood putty, but to no avail. The final straw was when I goofed up on the neck pocket and cut off too much wood. I couldn't bring myself to throw it away, but I did think about it.

I've been planning to build a six string bass in the Fender Bass VI style, short scale (30") and strung EADGBE, an octave below a regular guitar, and a hybrid to boot. The plan is for a hollow body with a braced acoustic top and an acoustic bridge.

Here's the plan:


Modified headstock design:


Now back to that old piece of Mahogany. I was looking at it the other day, and it occurred to me that I might be able to salvage it with a little work, and the 3" thick body would lend itself well to an acoustic bass. I don't have money for materials right now, so it's all gonna have to be built from scrap. Here's where I am, as of today:


The body is coming together. It's taken a lot of work, and it's nowhere near done, but I think it's gonna be ok. That neck is rift sawn Bubinga. You can see my skills have progressed some by looking at the obvious glue line on the body and the much less obvious glue line on the neck, which I ripped and flipped. The headstock veneer and bridge I made from an old scrap of East Indian Rosewood I had leftover from a previous neck. Here's a closeup of that bridge. It's not perfect, but considering it's the first acoustic bridge I've ever built, I don't think it's so bad:


Here's a closeup of the headstock veneer. It's not a perfect bookmatch, but I think it's pretty:


Here's the top side of the body. I'm just starting to hollow it out:


And finally, remember how I said I goofed up on the neck pocket a long time ago, and took off too much wood? I decided the best solution was just to cut off that entire section and rebuild it. Here it is now:


I know someone's looking at that picture with concern over structural integrity. I'll solve the problem by doing a long set neck, extending well into the body. The back of the body isn't gonna be pretty, but I have two ideas. The first is simple - paint it black. The second is a little more complicated, but might be worth the trouble. I could inlay a contrasting strip of wood down the back. Maybe some flame maple or something. Like this:


I haven't decided yet, but whatever solution I arrive at will have to involve that glue line on the back. The top's gonna be painted anyway. It's a piece of Western Red Cedar I got for free that's as ugly as sin, and not even bookmatched:


So far my cost on this is $0. Eventually, I suppose I'll at least have to buy some pickups and tuners. Even that will be cheap. I'll be using a homemade piezo pickup under the bridge, a high output tele bridge pickup stealthed (for a Bass VI sound), and probably an active Musicman style pickup in the "sweet spot" as the primary pickup. Most likely it will be Bartolini or EMG, as I've heard rumors they both use bar magnets, which in this case will be critical. I'll probably be building my own preamp as well, unless I find a product already on the market that can handle the instrument's range, and blend magnetic and piezo pickups. If anyone has suggestions on that one, I'm all ears.

Thanks for checking it out.

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