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Any Experience With Either Of These Two Parts Suppliers ?

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I was surfing around looking for a supplier for Ibanez Gibraltar bridges and ran across these two sites. I have not heard of them before so I'm curious if anyone here has any experience that they can share.





<pros: added links>

Edited by Prostheta
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I've used Guitar Parts Site. They are quite honestly the worst guitar parts supplier I've ever dealt with. I was ordering an Ibanez mono bridge, and it said they had one in stock. Weeks later I had nothing more than a confirmation email saying they'd taken my money. You can log into their site and check your order status. Within 24 hours of my order it said it was in final processing, and the order couldn't be changed. It just sat in final processing forever. I tried calling over and over, at different times of the day. I sent several emails that were flat out ignored. Finally I sent them a threatening email, and whadayaknow? The part shipped and I got a response.

I'm generally a pretty nice guy, but it is my pleasure to trash these guys in a public forum.

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I've used Guitar Parts Site. They are quite honestly the worst guitar parts supplier I've ever dealt with. I was ordering an Ibanez mono bridge, and it said they had one in stock. Weeks later I had nothing more than a confirmation email saying they'd taken my money. You can log into their site and check your order status. Within 24 hours of my order it said it was in final processing, and the order couldn't be changed. It just sat in final processing forever. I tried calling over and over, at different times of the day. I sent several emails that were flat out ignored. Finally I sent them a threatening email, and whadayaknow? The part shipped and I got a response.

I'm generally a pretty nice guy, but it is my pleasure to trash these guys in a public forum.

Thanks a lot for the heads up.

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