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Building A Esp Jeff Hanneman Copy

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Long time without posting a guitar i'm building in ages, so here we go.

I became infatuated with this guitar and i had to build it.

Last christmas i went to Spain, and bought some maple, enough for 5 necks and a top for a les paul.

I had it all cut in pieces so i could fit them in a suitcase

This was also my first time doing a scarf joint.

Of course, the build is not 100% like a Hanneman, i couldn't make it neck thru body, and i didn't buy alder ( even though they had it in the lumberyard in Spain, but couldn't buy any more timber as i didn't have enough money to pay excess baggage)

So here in Venezuela i bought this brazilian timber, called Abiu. It looks a lot like mahogany or spanish cedar albeit lighter in color, and a lot harder. I'd say as hard as soft maple.

Fretboard is a venezuelan wood i had never been able to know its name. Vera, Guayacan, Quebracho, etc are among the names i've gotten for it. But i am almost 100% it is Katalox. I have been using it for at least 8 years. Wonderful fretboard wood.

So that's what i used. Of course, i won't use the Hanneman inlays, nor the control configuration.

Here are the pics:





here it is with a Kahler 7330 fixed bridge:


I routed it for a kahler 7300, but i didn't take a pic of that, instead here's a show of it with that bridge:



My plan is to paint it in camo like Jeff's


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