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When to change mask filters?

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What are guidelines for changing te filters on my mask?I'm using aerosol lacquer and I've probably only used 8 or 10 cans.

Also.I was spraying in this little both I made but it wasn't getting out the fumes fast enough.So I have a window 2ft by 2ft that I put a 2ft by 2ft fan blowing out.I spray maybe no more than 3ft away from it and level with the window.The fumes go shooting out and you can't smell fumes there even 5 minutes after.Is this good enough?

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Carbon filter masks IF they are stored in a sealed bag will last about 15 hours of use, if you store them outside of a bag they filters should be replaced every time you spray. Laquer isn't as deadly as some, but I'd probably get a new set of cartridges and then store the mask in a ziplock bag if you really want to be sure they're doing what they should be.

A not so good rule of thumb but one that seems to be accepted by most is if you can smell the paint at all while you're spraying the filters aren't doing their job and should be replaced.

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Okay thanks.When I'm spraying I can't smell a thing,and I do keep the mask in a bag.But I think I'll change them considering they're not expensive and I can't buy new lungs.

The mask is an AO Safety with r51a chemical cartridges for organic vapours.

is this okay?

I'm confused :D .Do I change filters and cartridges at the same time?

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