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Everything posted by Efilnickufesin

  1. I'm planning on making a guitar, but as my title suggested, I'm a little confused as to which woods I should use in order to attain the tone I'm after. Basically I want a really really "Heavy" sound that's good for Doom/ Stoner Metal. I'm thinking maybe a mahogany body and neck with an ebony fretboard. I'm also thinking about a spalted maple topwood because they look unbelievably sick and maybe instead of ebony a coco fretboard because they look awesome too. However, if either of these woods screws up my tone I won't do it, so help me, am I making the right choices? By Coco, I mean whatever wood this guy's using. If it's not called coco what is it? http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=35474
  2. I may be jumping the gun a little here, I don't even have this guitar yet, but I'm planning on getting an Ibanez RG321MH, and was wondering something. I have a strat with a seymour duncan hot rail single coil pickup in the bridge position. I don't know how good the pickups on the Ibanez are, so I was just wondering in case I don't like them if I could switch one of them out for the hot rails. The RG has two humbuckers, and I'm pretty sure it's possible to replace one of them with the hot rails, but I wanted to know for sure, and I also wanted to know if there was anything special that I had to do. I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but I just want to be sure and I couldn't find a topic where they discuss this.
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