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Posts posted by JSON

  1. congratulations!!!!

    Any chance of some clips?

    We're going to record a demo in the summer sometime, I'll notify you =)

    ToneMonkey>Where abouts in Sweden are you?

    I live in the northern part of Sweden.



  2. That's cool! And I hope it

    A) works out for you guys,

    :D leads you to bigger and better things,

    C) showers you with money and babes, or

    D) all the above.



    The replies:

    A)It really works out great!

    B)They have planned to start make their own songs.

    C)At previous gigs they have earned up to 5000 swedish crowns, In dollars that would be like 500-600 or so.

    I already have a girl friend B)

  3. Thank you all for the tips!

    Dugz Ink> i know what they play, and i like what they play and can guarantee (spelling?) you that It's nothing like that song :D

    syxxstring> They play covers, most of them are 60-80's Rock/Hardrock..

    I think the audition will be in a week or two, I promise I'll tell you how It went.

    Thanks alot!


  4. I was actually thinking of doing it in real life! :D

    Do you think it would be to hard for a first build?

    I also love blue, my Jackson is blue metallic.

    I'm not sure about the pickguard, I have to think about that for a while..

    I took the headstock from the Euphoria, i didn't change anything on it besides the color of the tuning pegs.

    i also took the top of the euphoria but changed the color to blue.

    Thanks for the comments!


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