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  1. Thanks for the advice guys! But yes I think I understand scale length and how it applies to the guitar's dimensions etc. The 25.5" scale i'm using means nut to saddles is 637.5 mm and nut to 24th fret is 485.77 mm, pretty positive about that. I wanted the nut to the end of the fretboard length just to make the designs loyal to the original jem in finding the length of the little fret overhang thing at the end (does it have a name)? Anyway, I made a neck out of some fine carpentry wood (forgot the name), just to test if my methods were ok; in a day i produced the base of the neck (without the fretboard), and a neck slot to test if my aanj joint looks ok... It came out exactly how i wanted it Will be ordering some maple soon to start work on the real neck! On the subject of neck, i'm thinking backlit vine inlays, but I need somebody elses opinion...
  2. Thanks for those! You learn something new every day (0.5 degree neck angle)! I think i've figured out 1. at 494.86mm long... Can anyone verify this? Also, i'll pass on the rg7 plans, but thanks anyway. I managed to cobble together an annj blueprint based on the original model, and based of these measurements from the body tutorial on the main page:
  3. Thanks, i'll definately phone around some guitar shops today! And I'm probably not going to completely immitate a jem, I want something unique. Unique inlays, unique paint, unique pickup arrangement, etc etc. This is definately a Custom Jem For inlays i'm thinking something lit with LED's (maybe light up tree of life, im sure nobody has done that before ) For paint, maybe a swirl, maybe a custom paintjob, but I'd like to base the colours around the white and gold of the jem7v Pickup arrangement maybe evo on the bridge, something warmer in the middle and a sustainer on the neck. It's all in my head at the moment but it's hard to decide exactly what I want first
  4. Ok, I've come to the realisation i'm not going to get one as easy as I first thought! I need one last thing of you guys... To get me started on recreating the original jem plans into aanj ones (which I will post on here for you guys), I need these dimensions if anyone wouldnt mind please 1. Distance from end of fretboard to start of nut 2. Distance from the end of the fretboard to where strings first touch the trem 3. Height of fingerboard 4. Height of main neck peice at the body 5. Depth of where neck fits into the body Thanks alot guys
  5. Thanks for the welcome, but I said blueprints you ****. No but seriously, shipping to the UK for those templates is as much as the templates themselves ! (and the neck isn't great)
  6. I've been scouring these and other forums for months now, looking for a blueprint of the ibanez jem with annj (all access neck joint, which is the curved join not the square one), and come to the conclusion that such a blueprint doesnt even exist! I've found the non aanj blueprint, but I don't think it will be of any use too me. Also, a blueprint of the neck for the aanj ibanez jem would be something special! What I would like to ask, to all donating members, is if there is a blueprint of the aanj ibanez jem body AND neck in the donators section of the forum? Also, after looking through many forums (here and elsewhere) for these, i've noticed that there are hundreds of topics regarding the aanj jem blueprints, and i'm sure there would be a sudden spike in donators if both body and neck (aanj is the keyword here) blueprints were put into the donators section. On the topic of the donators forum, I think somewhere in this forum should be a sticky outlining what there is up for download, to entice more people (like me) to donate, for the blueprints. Thanks in advance! Tom
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