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Everything posted by Aidouri

  1. I was reading about the lack of sustain at High E and B string,the remedy is to adjust the driver closer to these strings right? Then I thought that this changes the position of the magnetic field towards the strings,maybe a slight change but what if the shape of the metal core of the driver was something like this: Could that make things easier? Just an idea...
  2. Nope,I used a 100k-B pot. I hope that's the source of your problem. Did you say that you built an F/R before and it was working good? What did you change in this one and why?
  3. I just finished building the F/R ,here it is : I didn't find the J201 so I tried to find one of the 2n4547 or MPF102 but no luck either ,so I used the BF245(the legs needed to be soldered the other way) which the guy at the store told me can it could replace the MPF102. The circuit works but with excessive Buzz ,I guess I'm experiencing the same problem with -MRJ. I'm not sure if it's because of the transistor I used or I did something else wrong. Well the search for the J201 continues and when I find it I'll try to build it again.
  4. To the guys that having problem finding .2mm enameled wire : I found a .2mm enameled wire in a power transformer(if that's the right word) from an old General Electric cassette recorder. Now I have to take it carefully out from its casing without destroying the wire but I think I can manage that.
  5. Hello again. Well I tried the 7watt amp with the .5mm coil driver and nothing happened ,no sustain or whatsoever ... though I'm certain i did the wiring wrong cause when I touched the battery it was very very hot I wouldn't like to flood this already huge thread with silly questions ,so if anyone wants to help me with the basic stuff please email me @ aidouri@hotmail.com Thanks
  6. I didn't assemble this amp kit I bought it as it is. The heat sink seemed also to me a bit too much but I think I could get it off as I tried the amp and there was no heat coming out of it at all. I connected my guitar to this amp (it's 7Watt power) and I used a little 15W 8hom speaker ,I cranked the thing up ,I got the guitar close to the speaker (the strings almost touched the speaker) but no feedback at all. Is this a sign that this amp is inadequate for the sustainer? Anyway it doesn't matter much cause from Monday I'll be hopefully building the Fezter/Ruby circuit. This amp and the driver I made rewiring the old pick up is just a warm up ,practicing and testing my skills and to start getting the whole picture how this system works. I'm from Greece Now about the "Q1=N-Channel General Purpose amp J201" the guy at the store showed me this part I posted before and told me that it was a mosfet and that it is used to amp circuits(he didn't seem to me very sure) but psw you mentioned something about transistor , what is it ? I;m getting confused . In a schematic i found in this thread says that the J201 could be replaced by the 2N5457 or by the MPF102 have you tried any of those? I wouldn't mind to buy a few and try them out or have some in spare but they're a bit ouchy! 10euros=13.4USD=16AUD each. Thanks a lot for the help guys I'll be back soon with more questions , I promise! Yes, I'm threatening you! Cheers!
  7. Just got back from the electronics store and the only thing i didn't get is the V resistors and the Q1-J201 . The salesman asked me if the V resistors should be trimmers or potentiometers and I didn't know the answer so...? I didn't buy the Q1-J201 cause it seemed a bit different from the diagram you posted so i took it a pic, here it is: Is this the right part? it is relatively expensive too 10Euros, it's a Toshiba one. Don't laugh but the V resistors have three pins right? I have also difficulties to find .2mm wire and because I'm stalled until Monday I decided to give it a try with the amp I posted and the .5mm coil wire driver but I'm not sure how to connect it with the pick up could you assist me on this please? The guitar has only one bridge Pick up and a volume pot. Here's the amp: I know what to do with the supply and output, but the in?
  8. Hello! I'm new in this forum ,I just registered in fact, and the reason I did is the sustainer project. Two days have past since I first read this thread (not all of it of course,It's huge!!!!!!!) and I decided to build one. Now the problem is that my knowledge on electronics is very limited, also I'm not a native speaker so the terminology on this stuff gives me an extra headache. Here's my questions preamp/amp unit: If you could please make a list of the little things needed to build the Fetzer/Ruby circuit I would be very grateful. A tutorial how to build the unit and the layout of the circuit would be also very welcome. In case you don't have the time or the patience to assist me on that, I have found the following amp circuit at an electronics store Could this work ? And could I add an on/off switch,volume pot or what else is needed? and where exactly in the circuitry? On Driver : I'll build the driver using an old single coil pickup I found in my drawers. I bought 40m of coil wire 0.5mm thick and it gives me 4Ω would that be enough? or I need 8Ω ? the circuitry i posted above says 4-8Ω so... could it work ? Connectivity The guitar I'll use has only one bridge Humbucker pick up and a volume pot so how I connect this with the sustainer? I really want to build this so help me please! I want to sustain for ever! Thanks in advance.
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