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Posts posted by marko_slash

  1. Here are several from process:

    Body and rough contours:


    Monkey grip:


    Routed cavities:


    It got schellack and nitro base (I don't have pics from making lion's claw, but it was ALL done by hand :D )

    Few pics of how it looks now:









    Test fit:


    This is old fingerboard, inlay holes were not how I expected, so I'll redo it.

    It will be white - as original, but I am seriously thinking of doing transparent, because it is awesome looking now...

    I am doing this with my friend in our free time, which we don't have a lot, so it's pretty slow...

    Sorry on possible grammar mistakes :D


  2. I thought about putting ebony for fingerboard, but now I see that it is about 95% bright, and rosewood is much warmer, so it will be used, I will order that from stewmac or somewhere, I would order rest of wood from internet, but shipping is as twice as price of wood so...

    I have light, swamp ash. I think I will go for ash/walnut/rosewood combination! With dye, I could get nice dark brown color of ash back, or even go with black. Thanks a lot guys, any other suggestions will be great! :D

  3. I'm from Bosnia and Herzegovina...you can't find anything here...(I know that you will say that we have best flamed maple for instruments, but it's being shipped in laaarge quantities to Italy, Germany, etc)

    I have maple, walnut, ash, oak and beech....POOR!

    If you can suggest me some combination, it doesn't have to be LP sound (well it can't), I just don't want to end up with too bright guitar. Strat would be some upper limit of brightness.

    Oh, I have mdf too :D

  4. I know that LPs are mahogany/maple duh...

    The point is, I don't want to end up with extremly bright guitar, but now I see that mahogany is 75% bright, same as walnut.

    I could go for a try, walnut back, maple top, and maybe walnut neck (if I don't find suitable flamed maple for it)

  5. I'll start building a Pensa/Suhr looking guitar soon, so I need some of your opinions about wood to be used on it. I thought about putting a quilt maple top on it, but it is hard to get it where I live, so it will be flamed. Mahogany isn't avaliable here, so I thought about having walnut for body back? How it would sound in combination with flamed maple top? It would be carved top, I'll post some pics showing how it will look like app. And what neck wood do you recommend? Thanks!



  6. Has anyone tried to build Suhr/Pensa-like guitar? With carved top? They are just beautiful, but I believe they are hard to build also...I will try to build one as soon as I find some decent wood, so I would like to hear your opinions about everything. Cheers! :D

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