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Posts posted by ansil

  1. dpdt switch would have six terminals not three. you had a spdt switch. as far as an arcade style switch that was maintained i have never seen one. but that doesn't mean you couldn't fashion one out of another switch. keep in mind the big plunger everyone loves is not the switch just the actuator. buy a couple and learn to tear it down and see if you can use the actuator to fire a full size switch. if your unsure of what an actuator is http://www.geofex.com/article_folders/alteractuator/alteractuator.htm here is a diy one

  2. do you actually use the tone pot on your guitars? or do you want it in place for the loading that it will do even on ten? i assume you mean a dp-167 as a 187 is a dual rail mini humbucker. why not wire the dimarzio and run a small cable out to a box with different pots and caps so you can see what you like. with a rating of 5.5 6.0 4.5 tmb respectively i would probably go with a 500k pot if its half way in between the two positions so you can get a little more output out of it since a 270mv pickup isn't that hot. you can use a push pull but when you pull it out you are effectively removing the volume pot from the impedance to ground scenario which will alter your tone as well. unless you go with say a 500k trim pot or a resistor wired into the push pull so when you pull it out you remove the volume effect but still keep the same imp to ground and then use the volume pot as a tone. i could draw you up something if you like.

  3. well its a good thing you asked the wiring diagram isnt for splitting coils its used to mute your pickups. http://www.seymourdu...2h_1v_1t_3w_1pp

    here is the one you want that is if you have a two knob setup. overall the wiring on a splitcoil is pretty simple all your doing is grounding the two wires that are connected.

    also i wouldnt buy the whole kit all you need is two 500k push pull pots.

    the schematic he posted doesn't mute the pickups its a dual coil cut mode so you can do one or the other
  4. its actually easy and really helpful to use. i utilize one in the mid stages of my design you know the point between where what works in theory and all the freq calculations have been done but sometimes there is something that the math just doesn't get right. i built one like geofex for a few bucks. this one is a tube amp one but still you get the idea. http://geofex.com/FX_images/tubev1.jpg. i built mine from a 3 dollar amazon board with positive ground and negative terminals quite a big board for the price plus free shipping. also i scavenge surplus stainless steel from my joe jobs that and the vise make a nice bending brake. i took apart an old fender mixing board and salvaged all the pots. i made special connecters that had speaker wire terminals on them to slide onto any pot i need. and lastly for seven bucks i got a 250 pc jumper set with prefabbed connectors. the only real thing it took was a little time to put it all together. and a godlyke power supply originally powered my effect wrapper till i built a power supply from a slavaged micro pc power supply

  5. ok i finally got my wire in. well it was more waiting on cash to come available and to stop buying guitars on my one off day. well then i glued up the prototype bobbin and broke my first bit of wire and decided that when my shop outside is finished i will work on it some more. by then i hope to be down to one job a week

  6. why solder to it at all? have you never done your own welding of battery packs???? http://www.instructables.com/community/Battery-tag-tab-welder-from-a-camera-flash/ thats the quickest link i could find. i dont' have a working schematic for mine. i put four in parallel that i can switch how many stages charge then i dump the caps and weld with it you can set it for different levels for whatever you need and the best part is the camera flashes are free at your local drugstore

  7. we used to hook up a six way switch to a single cap and one bypass section and let the customer try it out. we labeled each one something different. in the end we gave the customer exactly what he wanted. but we always got a customer profile before we started.a jazzy player had one set of option and the guitar and pickups played a huge part as well. in the end we did more math and then handed the customer what we thought he would like. however if he didn't like any of them we would try something else. but we only had that happen once in five years. oh and btw i had a guy come in with a 10,000 dollar guitar from prs that he had to have paper and oil caps in he just had to have them.. so i had rolled him a set for 50 bucks. he said they were the best he had ever heard. i smiled said thank you and showed my business partner the sweep on the scope and we had a good laugh and i bought him a steak with that money.

  8. Here is a particularly cool and very very useful filter circuit as found in the Aria Pro II SB-1000. It is active, however it sold me on varitones.

    10pinbb1.jpg I just have 1 question where is the coil is it in the black box able tire section

    The varitone taps off treble with a mild resonant hump where the corner frequency sits on a simple RC circuit - it sounds great on bass. Some of the more extreme settings are very dark and bassy however it is far more characterful than a simple RC filter. I figured that I might make the control continuously variable using an op-amp based gyrator but haven't had the time to dedicate to it. Maybe one day.

    I just have 1 question. where is the coil. is the pick up the coil. if so then where do we input. if not then is the coil inside of the black box that house is the amplifier. and what would the value be? I am viewing this on my mobile though maybe I'm missing something in the drawing
  9. ok well things have been slow here in pickup land. i was waiting on a check to clear to get my wire from stewmac and well that kind of went south when the router took a dump ie computer router. so hooray 85 bucks on a new d link at least its the top of the line. and for now i am possibly going to have to switch jobs but hopefully a little bench time will open up soon. i finished the first prototype single coil it is a single split instead of the triple layer i posted previously. still looking for a killer single that's loud enough for the ole vandy. i might actually shoebox the whole pickup set and just go completely custom on it. had to put it up for now since i am fixing the slight chip on the headstock as well. oh well sleep time cometh

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  10. Thank you I hope it will help you out. Something I remember from a long time ago. This guy (shoot I can't remember his name now but it's unique) anyway he showed me his eq and it wa interesting he had a weird subtle midrange hike that I didn't get ans4 I was like what is this? He was telling me that in recording that anything above the zero line would just give you a boost and4 not doexactly what you think. I was like yeah sure. And then he showed me. And I wa blown away. The difference was mind boggling

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