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Everything posted by carlosnelson

  1. I read online yesterday that I must soak the sandpaper in water overnite, is this true? I started dry sanding the other day & it looked kinda scuffed, was this because the sandpaper was not wet?
  2. 2day I started putting clear coat on my guitar & have now done 3 coats. Whats's next as far as sanding goes with this particular clear?
  3. 1st 2 coats are perfect! What is the next step as far as painting goes: 1. Do I sand now & if so what grit?
  4. How long do u let gun dry before using it again & how do u know when it's totally clean? I was wondering if I just keep putting lacquer thinner in the cup & spraying until I don't see paint anymore?
  5. O.K I went out back & tightened up the air nozzle connection & it's working fine now. Only thing is the compressor is not big enough so I have 2 keep stopping & letting pressure build up in order to spray.
  6. I started painting 2day & what a disaster! At 1st the gun worked well & then all of a sudden, the gun starts starts sputtering paint real bad & then there's an air leak where the hose connection is. I'll attempt one more time & if that fails then it will get farmed out! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE
  7. Finally i'll spray next after needing a little more time for final shaping. When I spray my guitar, while it's drying I won't be using the gun for about 30-45 minutes in between coats. Should I clean the gun during that time lapse & how long before I put more paint back into the paint cup which is attached to the top of the gun. Also what would you recommend as a cleaner. I saw some spray gun cleaner at my local Sherwin-Williams Auto store but by-passed as I was told any paint thinner should do it. Is this true?
  8. Yes it does have a tank on it & I just checked it does have it's on gauge already on it as well. It is a Husky Air Compressor 2-n-1 Brad Nailer/Stapler Kit & the gun is also a Husky #HDS780 Gravity-Feed Spray Gun. Thanks Rooster you've been helpful!
  9. Cool & Thanks for the response, is there anything I should know with using air compressor as i've never used one before. When use say go slow do you mean don't press the trigger as much causing a faster paint process. I'm baffled on this & does the compressor have to charge before use. Also it says 1 gal. what does that mean a gallon of continous air flow to the gun.
  10. Thanks for this thread as I was in GC in Cherry Hill NJ, looking at 3 amps. Them being a Line 6 Spider, Marshall Half Stack, or a Mesa Boogie Lonestar. I called the salesman the next day about extended coverage & really recommened I get this & here's why. I worked at a company 7 years ago called American Appliance based out of NJ also. What happens is it goes like this, the manufacturer gives the company a set price per unit. For example the Mesa Boogie lonestar retails $1699.99 which means GC may have only paid $900 per unit. What then happens is the stores are charged a price which is store cost not company cost which may $1250.00 which means evn if sold at cost the company really doesn't lose. If that salesman sales me the amp at the $1699.99 his spiff from Mesa Boogie may be $30.00 + his 2% commision from GC. If he sales that amp below $1699.99 his spiff drops + his commision. If you notice their website prices are a lot different than in-store which means there is room to play with the price or fluff is what is known in retail. However the rael money is in extened warranties which is 20% at the end of the month. The warranty for the Mesa Boogie was 5yrs. for $300.00 So the salesman will make: $30.00 Mesa Boogie reward for having sold their product $50.00 2% GC commision $60.00 20% of extended warranty --------- 140.00 total dollars paid the sales associate & you can now see where his longest green came from Extended warranties can be helpful at times trust me, but pick & choose your spots with them. If I spend that kind of money i'll have it protected under my renter's insurance but if that wasn't the case I may purchase something extra depending on who is going to do the repair.
  11. Let me start by saying right now i'm depressed, confused, & stressed all in one. Last week I went to Sherwin-Williams Automotive Paint store & purchased some 4th Dimension Navy Blue paint. Today I venture to Home Depot for a spray gun, resperator,wet sandpaper & some other items. However when I went to the checkout I picked up the wrong gun price wise. So I went back the aisle to get the other gun I really wanted & I noticed the display read: 5HP 13 Gallon Compressor needed or recommended. My problem is the air compressor I borrowed is a 1 gallon, 100psi. compressor which I don't think this gun would have worked with it. I ended up walking out pissed & heartbroken as my project is now at a standstill. If I would have purchased this gun is there any way I could have got it to spray & what would have been the outcome if I attempted this. Now i'm considering Krylon spray cans. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. 2day I went 2 my local Sherwin-Williams Automive Finish store & purchased paint 4 my project. The brand is 4th Dimension & is navy-blue. I also was told I needed Fast/Medium Reducer #DR632 2 mix with the paint in order 4 it 2 spray evenly. I still need 2 but some 3M Rubbing Compound & 3M Swirl Remover. Does Lowe's or Home Depot sell these items. The auto store had it but it was a bit pricey. The ratio for mixing paint is 2 oz. of paint & 1 oz. of the reducer. What would u recommend I use to measure this accurately? Also I don't have a spray-booth & i'm forced 2 paint outdoors, sholud any steps be taken & also is wheather an issue 2 watch out 4?
  13. Must I use any primer before spraying auto paint on a guitar?
  14. why are you painting the fretboard? what kind of paint? clear? if so, with it being properly reduced, and pint of paint should give you around 3/4 of a quart, wich is enough. It is a Prince Cloud Guitar featured in the movie Purple Rain. I idolize Prince a great deal & didn't want 2 keep spending $2300 on replica's that I don't believe were made out of maple & didn't feature EMG pickups or the brass nut. That what I paid for my 1st Cloud Guitar & wanted more of them so I said why not build them yourself for a lot cheaper. This has been amazing watching it unfold right in front of me. But it gets better as I ordered rub-off Prince Symbol decals from Letraset & can't wait til it's finally playable. Also need 2 get more gold fretwire from Warmoth soon.
  15. I am going to be painting very shortly & was wondering how much paint is needed to paint a guitar including fretboard. I don't want to purchase more than i'll need. Thank U In Advance.
  16. Next week will be devoted totally to the painting process. How much paint is needed to paint this guitar for a good finish. I just don't want to buy more paint than I need.
  17. 2day I routed my pickup cavities & control cavities as well & everything went well for my 1st time ever using a router. I ordered my router bit from Stew-Mac over a year ago & let me tell u, she's a beauty. I also invested in a Craftsman All-N-One tool which came in handy as well, as I didn't know it was a router as well including a router base. Just having a little trouble with the neck pickup, but I won't let it get me down. Thank goodness for Dremel tools & bits as they are great for this kind of design. Still having trouble also with the carve line between top of guitar & outer edge(Need a power-tool but don't know which one).
  18. I'm now getting ready to route my pickup cavities for a EMG 85 & EMG Sa Single Coil for my Cloud Guitar and was wondering if I need a particular router bit for this task? Thanks In Advance
  19. AlexVDL you r such a big help with my project. Thank U So Much
  20. Poblems with the small gap have been corrected. Right now i'm having trouble with rounding off the outer edges which is just before both the top &bottom of the guitar I used a Dremel to start but it doesn't seem to be coming out according to the picture. Do I use a router bit to achieve this all around carve line. Please click on one off the above links for pictures.
  21. Thank U so much! Definitly will help O.K. after reading above link I totally re-did my board in this order: Compression Sustainer CS-3 Overdrive Distortion OS-2 Blues Driver BD-2 Mega Distortion MD-2 Distortion DS-1 Metal Zone MT-2 Dunlop Crybaby Super Chorus CH-1 Flanger BF-3 Dynamic Wah AW-3 Super Octave OC-3 Digital Delay DD-6
  22. Thanx, i'll try & see what the results are. I need 2 get 2 The Guitar Center & purchase a Marshall Half Stack (MG100HDFX/MG412 Cab)& try it afterwards.
  23. My problem now is that i've laminated the body halves on(neck-through guitar), the lamination didn't take to well on one side of the body halves creating a gap in between the neck & body. I need to fill it with something but don't know what! It may not be seen once coats of paint are applied but don't want to take any chances with this.
  24. Right now I use a bunce of Boss Pedals through a Fender Automatic Se amp which doesn't seem to be pedal friendly sometime & I am now thinking of getting a Line 6 Spider Series amp. I have these pedals & are connected in this order: Compression Sustainer CS-3 Digital Delay DD-6 Flanger BF-3 Metal Zone MT-2 Distortion DS-1 Super Octave OC-3 Blues Driver BD-2 Mega Distortion MD-2 Super Chorus CH-1 Dynamic Wah AW-3 Overdrive Distortion OS-2 Dunlop Crybay then to my guitar. Can I eliminate any of these pedals from my board, seems that I have too many distortion pedals & don't know which one 2 get rid of. HELP
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