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Everything posted by Biohazard

  1. I haven't built guitars but you could try www.wdmusicproducts.co.uk I don't know what they are like but you could try them. If they don't sell the stuff they will certainly be able to recommend some places.
  2. Good point, it would need 36 frets woudln't it. Would this be impractical because of scale lengths etc? Or would it in fact be possible.
  3. I don't see any problems with that but I may be missing something. But as far as I can see, both pickups are grounded.
  4. It doesn't cause feedback on this circuit because the output is getting fed back into the input but it is not boosting the signal like an op amp or other amplifier would. Is that right or do I have incorrect understanding here? It certainly looks good. What do you mean by synth note, is it a great deal different sound from the original note that is being sustained. Thats interesting that it will feedback and sustain the note you last played even if you are no lnger freting it. How does it perform with chords? Hmm, the way I see it is that you wouldn't use a sustainer for fast playing but what kind of things happen when it "looses it's mind"? Is there also a way (like with the sustainer pickups) you could ad a way of changing the note to become a harmonic feedback as well as the natural note? Would you need to feed it through some sort of amplifier for this? Thats good stuff Ansil.
  5. Cool, thanks for the pics psw.
  6. Hey your making great progress and I hope that you do have something there and that you could, if you wanted to, produce this into something to sell. Good luck with it all.
  7. Thats very exciting news psw and yeah I agree with Lovekraft's advice. I wouldn't detail it all out on here. Not through distrust of anyone, but because of what Lovekraft mentioned.
  8. Cool, whats the difference between this one and your sustainer modification in the tutorials section of the project guitat site?
  9. There is something in the tutorials section, i'm sure of it. Go to the tutorials and references part of this forum, then the electronics bit and there is a thread on building your own pickups.
  10. No idea, but have you tried emailing Seymor Duncan and asking them what they are? If not then i'm sure some people on here will know.
  11. This sounds like cool stuff, even though its over my head. I still enjoy reading it. So psw, as well as these experiments, what else do you do? This is interesting stuff, well done.
  12. This is a very interesting read. Well done to all involved.
  13. Ah ok, thanks. I was on about locking Sperzels by they way, but I supose they will all be the same principles.
  14. Can you easily drop tune to D with locking machine heads?
  15. Right, i'm only guessing, here, but the output of this indicator is the LED's, so I would just say you'd have to ground it to the jack, but thats just a guess.
  16. I think thats one of the books thats been recommended on here once. Apparently a good book.
  17. OMG what an incredible piece of work. Well done.
  18. What tone exactly does it give?
  19. Yeah thats a point. You got to explain everything about the circuit and how and why it works . Good luck with it all anyway.
  20. The way I see it (and i could be wrong, and I could even have misunderstood your post) but you'd have to run the guitar output through it, otherwise how would the meter work? Thats how I see it anyway.
  21. My exam board was Edexcel. We did product analysis, electronics, and pics papers. Or something like that.
  22. I'm getting Sperzels installed on my guitar. I was going to include the Drop D head but too expensive as i'm on tight buget. But what are locking tuners like to detune? Just easy as non?
  23. Poplar gives a trebly sound doesn't it? I considered it for my guitar to be made out of, but with sticking sheet aluminium to mine, I thought id get too many trebles. I don't know. I know nothing when it comes to woods.
  24. Ahhh, sorry, didnt mean to post that twice.
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