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Everything posted by Darx

  1. samba - sorry i dont have a camera ill try find one from a mate though johnh - brilliant tip, and its uncovered one problem... i measured the resistance accross the bridge pup and it read 6.12k pretty much as anticipated, but reading the resistance accross the neck pup gave no reading at all :S so i quickly unsoldered the pup to see if it was the connections in the circuit but the pup still gave no resistance reading! (bearing in mind these are extremely cheap tele replica pups) even then though, even if one pup is faulty, surely i should have been getting a signal from the other pup? The resistance across the cable came out at 6.12k, its starting to really baffle me now!
  2. Hey guys! First time i find this place and i have a problem I've recently been doing up a telecaster replica (it was in pretty bad shape when i salvaged it so im not sure who originally made it) ive done a pretty good job so far i think, but my wiring seems to be letting it down! The guitar worked before i stripped it down, but now i have come to wire it back up i seem to have some problems. Basically, when i plug in the beast, i get the usual faint hum and when i touch the bridge and strings i get that slight click (its a problem ill address later) i take it to mean that some form of signal is actually reaching the amp, but play anything on it and nothing comes through the amp Ive been using this schematic: http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/schem...andard_tele.jpg I considered that i had wired something up wrong or something, so i took it all apart and wired it up again i did that twice, but everytime i get the same problem! The hum, but no signal from the pickups! I threw in the multimeter to check that the pickups are actually working, and indeed a voltage is induced in the pickups :S Im at a loss to see what has gone wrong! Any tips or advice would be hugely appreciated! thanks in advance!
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