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Posts posted by ddgman2001

  1. I've seen the insides of them & know what's there .So without getting into an argument here, tell us why you think they are so special.

    Well for starters:

    - Custom deep covers in normal and tight spaced poles - mould charges of $5000 each at least.

    - Custom stamped and formed then heat treated Mu-metal shield.

    - The bobbin flanges look custom

    - The bottom poles look to be custom, they could be off the shelf, but I've never seen mild steel pins in any of my suppliers catalogs.

    - The top magnets are shorter than standard, I assume custom sized for Kinman.

    - The bottom flange is made out of tougher to work with fiberglass circuitboard material complete with identification silk screening and solder mask - a nice touch.

    - A high quality shielded lead, trimmed to length with the ground nicely pulled out and heat shrink applied.

    There maybe or probably are more complex designs out there, but compared to a typical Strat style pickup these are a lot more work and have more exotic and expensive materials.

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