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Scott Rosenberger

Blues Tribute Group
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Posts posted by Scott Rosenberger

  1. Splended choices!  Certainly go with the ebony and turquoise.  My first thought is the gold would look great, especially with a floyd trem in gold helps pull it in as more of a dominate color.  But a second thought is black would give the turquoise more ability to stand out?

    I like it all frankly!  :D

    I considered using Black hardware but my thought is that the Turquoise Vines would stand out too much, taking away fromthe rest of the guitar

    You could take a different approach and have one neck with the vine and the other neck could have the disappearing pyramids?

    Just an idea to play with

    ~~ Slain Angel ~~

    I thought of that too and while not out of the question I'm not sure I can get all the colors to gel with each other

    Scott-  Looks great so far.  I wonder where I've seen a body like that before....hmmm....


    I got your email and I'll get the pics to you ASAP.

    Where do you think I got (Stole) the idea from considering you're the only person on the planet with a doubleneck jem? :D

    Thanks for the pics Kev I REALLY Appreciate it

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