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Posts posted by aeli

  1. Maybe it will be too bold to say, but I like the feel of my 300$ Pacifica better than the feel of my friend's 2700$ PRS. But maybe it is so because my friend is left handed, I don't know. It's so ironic because nobody else arround can play it.

    And I completely disagree with rhoads on the phrase that no one of us will ever get to such a position. I bet I will and I will make better guitars than his.

  2. That's the deepest and most mesmerizing quilt I've ever seen. Ever asked how much a guitar like that goes for Guitaarfrenzy? I've sent him an email but probably he was too busy for such unimportant mail. He really makes nearly everything by himself. I wouldn't be suprized if he grew his own wood too.

    I want one of those :D

  3. I personally clamp the neck tightly to the table and attack it with a chices and a hammer, then finnish it off with sandpaper and rasps. But there is the danger of chiselling too deep theis happened to me on a few occasions. I just had to stop and glue the chunk back to the same place it came out from and redo it. It was not a very hard process but there were left some ugly marks on the neck, unfortunately.

  4. I think I was secretly surfing the net for guitar building at school in the computer class when I found this awesome site. It has made guitar building possible for me and probably many others.

    BTW Hotrock is right it took me a long time before I came to realize that there was a forum and it was actually what this site was all about. It would be great if the entrance to the forum was made more obvious. On the other hand maybe it was made a little bit disguised to keep the less enthusiastic people away? :D

  5. Find a piece of padauk. Sometimes padauk has different tones of reds and pinks in them. So start with the lightest red and proceed to the darkest one in the 12th fret and then lighten again, and at the 24th (or 22th depends on your fretboard) fret,use the same as you used at the 3rd fret.

  6. I Turkey we have a lot of olive trees but people don't cut them down just because they bring a lot more income when they are alive, so it is hard to find they. They are fairly similar to zebrawood in grain, color and density but it seems to be a lot oilier wood (like I have ever seen Zebrawood) but it as oily as rosewood. It is very porous too.

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