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Posts posted by avengers63

  1. Warmoth is so stuck on their Fender-standard heel designs that they have no imagination for products outside of that realm.

    They told me that it could be done, but the process would be cost prohibitive. They described a process of getting the specs from my Steinberger, then programing their machine, all of which they'd have to pay someone to do.

    So.... are there any luthiers here located in the St. Louis area?

  2. I hsve a late 80's steinberger with a wood body & graphite neck. I don't play it any more because the neck is too narrow for me. I didn't realize this until I bought a guitar with a wide neck. At this point, I want to replace the neck with a wider, wooden one. The heel is an exclusive design, so an "off the shelf" neck won't work. I called Warmoth about making one, but they said it would cost "more than 2 new Steinbergers".

    Does anyone have any suggestions on whom I can contact?

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