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Posts posted by GregP

  1. I don't know much about wood, but I know that you should look into the other steps (besides cutting) to take in preparation for using it on a musical instrument. Certainly it will need to be dried.

    Great that you have someone that can cut it, though! Should be very rewarding, as mentioned.

  2. The bridge will certainly factor into this... despite it being a quality unit, it's still governed by certain design principles. Your money might be better spent getting something like a tremsetter, but that's just an out-of-the-blue suggestion from someone who's never played the guitar in question.

  3. I'd just like to play solos with the pitch shifting effect by turning a knob on the guitar. I imagine it being a lot more precise than using a pedal.

    Doh, I just realized you're not talking about a WAH pedal. :D Ignore my comments... :D

    Might an actual whammy bar be simpler than wiring in a digital whammy circuit? B)

    Good luck getting a whammy bar to dive an entire octave or two. :D Not to mention 'stepping' through the intervals, and all the other Whammy effects. B)

  4. If it's on the cheap, you'll get great bang-for buck out of the KRK Rokit5. It's not your only option, but it's one of the ones that's always mentioned so I figured I'd be the one. :D It's what I have, but I also have no real basis of comparison. No idea if other monitors in the range are better or worse. I only A/B'd with a set of Yorkvilles, and the KRKs won out.


  5. It's a famous mod alright... I just can't recall which famous players make use of it. :D

    Sounds like this one:


    True, it's a push/pull, but that's just a fancy way of putting the switch physically onto the pot, but there's no magic marriage of the two; they're still separate. If you want the switch physically separate, as per Gilmour, you can still use the above diagram.

  6. Also, a knob won't work-- as already discussed.

    I can't imagine a knob being more precise, though. Obviously I've never tried whammy on a knob, but even just volume swells are much more precise and controlled with a volume pedal rather than the ol' pinky around the volume knob.

    As mentioned, I also can't imagine sacrificing my picking hand mobility to reach awkwardly for a knob (even if it's in pinky reach) when I could just be using my foot. I love foot control. :D

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