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Posts posted by ngaa

  1. Well, I'm just wondering if anyone can help me with my problem.

    I wired up the killswitch a while ago and it keeps popping when I press it down (like the sound when you turn off an amp). It's not too bad, but it could be a lot better I guess.


    And the inside,


    I'm pretty sure all the wiring is all correct, but it's just in case. Also there is a huge possibility that it is the push button that is making the popping noise.. If that is the case what do you think I should go for for a new push button (brand).

  2. Today, I got the wings flush with the neck wood, and then added the 1/4" round over to the butt end of the guitar. I think pictures for this will be pointless since it's nothing too big.

    Tomorrow I might start shaping the heel and neck move to match the body and do the arm contour..

  3. Both of the wings are glued on and I started the level sanding.. What is a method you guys recommend to get the wings flush with the neck?

    Here are pictures, never mind the pencil on the wood, haha.



    Tomorrow (I think) I will do the round over on the butt end of the body (if I get the wings flush).. and then do the arm contour. Then another day I will start routing for the pickups/floyd rose, maybe I will rout before doing the arm contour so I have more flat space to put the templates on..

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