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Posts posted by crafty

  1. It's just the fact that you have a bunch of wankers who buy into all this stuff as if money were no object, trying to "chase" tone, whatever that means. Fact is, most of the so-called bearers of the "Holy Grail" (Hendrix, Clapton, Page, Blackmore, GREEN) never used anything that was cryo-treated or fancy aluminum or titanium bridges and nuts.

    And most of these people who buy this shill will NEVER do anything memorable with it.

  2. I think my post was misread. This doesn't have anything to do with my build and the EMG's. I was just illustrating the point that my music has evolved. I'm talking about my Yamaha Pacifica guitar. I'm looking for a single coil to replace the neck and possibly middle pickup on my YAMAHA PACIFICA :D

    ok cool lol and I want those pickups to have a nice warm tone and lots of sustain for clean rythym and lead. Also possibly ones with very low noise, or none at all.


    Try Bill Lawrence pickups. They sell several single coil pickups, totally noiseless. They are as quiet as humbuckers. They still sound very single coil. He designed the current SCN pickups for Fender. I have a set in my Strat that I assembled. I am very happy. They run about $40 each. It looks like the site is under construction so here are some links. Also Harmony central has reviews on his pickups and other makers also.


    Here is a board devoted to Bill Lawrence products.


    SCN's aren't very warm pickups at all, much less the rest of the BL line.

    Like I said, the EMG-SA pickups would sound good in that application. You might also consider the Duncan Classic Stack or DiMarzio HS-2.

  3. Guitar Center exists solely to focus on two major markets:

    1. Kids who have no money but want to play a cool looking guitar.

    2. Middle aged men who have more money than brains and want an expensive guitar to hang on the wall of their office.

    They DO have some very high quality merchandise in there, to be sure, but you have to wade through the dimwits and junk just to get at it plus figure out how to use it yourself.

  4. Dimarzio Evolutions and Breeds are nice high-output pickups, although I'm not sure if you don't like Dimarzio because you've played 'em all or just heard bad things about them on the internet?

    Duncan JB/59 combo is a classic metal combo, the Dave Mustaine set is the active version of those pickups. The Blackouts just came out and appear to be an updated version of the LiveWire that requires less power and uses an updated preamp to compete with the older EMG designs.

    Bill Lawrence's pickups are great pickups, but they won't hide your mistakes and can be very transparent and trebly. They are an acquired taste.

    What it all comes down to is what kind of amp you're going through, what kind of effects you're using, and whether you play rhythm or lead most of the time.

  5. So by doing this I will basically be able to use both pickups seperately? The guitar only has 2 knobs, however, so would they both be dedicated volume knobs?

    Pretty much. Unless you either drilled holes for new knobs or picked up concentric-ganged pots to put tone and volume controls on the same knob. 500k and 25k versions are readily available for your application.

  6. Malaysia isn't exactly third-world, so finding 25k pots and a stereo jack should be quite simple.

    You can also find an on-off-on switch to control the pickup selection. The difference in output on the EMG and the stock neck pickup should be negligible to the amp if you have the volumes set properly.

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