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Posts posted by Maher

  1. Hey! thanks for all the help and advice, im starting to buy, borrow,steal :D:D all the the tools i need, once ive got them, i will buy the templates and wood, i still havent decided about building the neck :D eventually i want to be able to build a neck but i think i havent got the skill yet :D

    anyway ill keep you updated! B)

  2. Hey, Ive built a tele from a kit and failed badly at trying to make a V from scratch (the less said about that the better :D ) anyway ive been inspired by Guitarfrenzy's Strat project, and have decided, i have a 2 LP, a tele, but i dont have a strat so i need one! B)

    Well anyway i was going to just go for it and just go by drawing and cad files but i think its wiser if i just order the templates from http://www.guitarbuildingtemplates.com

    this brings me to my first question, whats the difference between a 50s and a 60s strat? they have the templates for both, but i cant see a difference :D

    also i need some help deciding on Materials, i was thinking maybe i would use a 1 piece ash for the body? what do you think?

    I was going to build the neck aswell but i think thats beyond my skill level at the moment so hopefully i can find a Strat type neck with a Ebony fretboard, but will this neck fit the size of the routing template frm http://www.guitarbuildingtemplates.com ??

    Other details;

    I want it to have no contours, i dont like them :D

    I havent decided on a colour but proberly a solid colour, a vintage type white maybe..

    your standard type tremolo, i was going to go for a TOM but all my guitars have TOMs so i think i need a tremolo although i wont use it much :D

    is there anything ive over looked?

    im hopeing this thread can be a refrence thread for my project, so if anyone has tips, hints or suggestions please post them!

  3. the electronics make a load of crackling sounds even after i clean them and the switch is barsted aswell some times it work sometimes it doesnt, and the bigsby, well i have 3 electric guitars but no trems so i though it would be cool, but i dont want it to mess up my sound too much :D

  4. Hmm... im thinking i either get hold of a good squier and mod it or mod one of my Epiphone Les pauls, i wa thinking about putting this into 1of my Epiphone Les paul:

    -New Pickups ( SD 59s?)

    -New Tuners (not sure any recommendations?, one of the Les Pauls have Grovers the other i dont know)

    -Bigsby (im not sure what this will do to my sound or how much drilling and stuff i will have to do)

    -New Electronics make over (everthing, Switch, pots, jack..)

    So should i do 1 of my epiphones or buy a cheap squier.. :DB)

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