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Everything posted by guitarflyer54

  1. This is the drawing I used. I checked each connection against the drawing before proceeding to the next one.
  2. It sounds like it's not wired properly/conventionally. I believe that you should have a split humbucker at positions 2 & 4 and single coil in position 3, which is where you would expect to hear some amount of hum. That's how my S470FM is wired, anyway. Hi Paul, The Dimarzio Virtual Vintage 54 Pro is a stack HB/noiseless PU so there should be very minimal/no hum at all. I have a Strat with the same pickups(3 VV54Ps)and it is quiet.
  3. Hi, I have an Ibanez S470 with 2 Dimarzio D' Activator Necks and a Virtual Vintage 54 Pro in the middle. The middle PU hums in the 2,3,& 4 positions. I checked both coils with a meter and they are OK. Then I pulled the PU to check connections and no problems. I noticed a ground lug screwed to the body inside the middle PU cavity so I taped it and also the bottom of the PU. No change. Could this ground lug be causing some line interference or something? I'm thinking about moving the ground lug but I'm not sure that is the problem and don't know where to relocate it.
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