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Posts posted by gpcustomguitars

  1. Great idea! I could put together a footswitch, with one channel always on, and the other optional, perhaps with a capacitor for cutting basses on a "treble channel", or a toggle for 2 value options. What I had in mind was to add high/low option to each of the channels. to be able to patch channels, or daisy chain it to another amp, but this is an solid state amp, so this should do.

  2. :)

    Still waiting for the truss rod, so another quick project which has been on the to-do list for some time. I got a old transistor guitar amp in a sorry state some years back, without the speaker and the cab sawed off. Only chassis left and after the testing, it came out it actually works. We even used it with a guitar cab at rehearsals for a few times, so I've wanted to put it in some kind of housing. I found a Norwegian 12' guitar speaker on the adds cheaply, so I decided on a Bluesbreaker shape. No fancy stuff, just materials found in the garage and some old jeans:

    34175006446_bbb25f671c_b.jpgIMG_20170422_145547 by Goran P, on Flickr

    34175006096_094dfefff2_b.jpgIMG_20170422_145555 by Goran P, on Flickr

    34175006176_d6a2ab14f1_b.jpgIMG_20170422_194030 by Goran P, on Flickr

    34175005966_b23fff1c2f_b.jpgIMG_20170423_123656 by Goran P, on Flickr

    34183936746_8252e6440b_b.jpgIMG_20170423_182316 by Goran P, on Flickr

    • Like 1
  3. Got the tuners finally, and had to reorder the truss rod - I think I spent more nerves than money on that one...

    In the meanwhile, changed a cracked bridge on a nice Cort acoustic, which was a bit overdue :blush, so after a setup, I can proceed with routing the headstock with clean conscience :rolleyes:

    Pics to follow...

  4. Thanks! I've already made one guitar in the same style - http://www.projectguitar.com/forums/topic/48483-parts-box-billy-bo/#comment-549686

    so I'm planning to finish it the same - my mix of oil, varnish and thinner followed by a few coats of hand polished wax paste. I will soak any crumbly areas with CA first, and fill most of the cracks with something, most likely epoxy.

    I do have a few normal builds on the table, but this is something I really enjoy lately.

    • Like 1
  5. Great, thanks! Looks very clean, if you could post a pic of the dust/CA inlay, I would be very interested to see it. Looking forward to more pics!

    As an alternative, you could look into sign shops for the template, I get a lot of laser cutting done locally, and it's quick and relatively inexpensive. What style of template are you planing?

  6. Cleaned it up this morning, and routed the neck. No pics as the top is not flat so managing the router guides was complicated. The only problem was my dull router bit :) When I install the truss rod and glue in the skunk stripe, I'll build up the heel more.

    This will be a bolt-on, so I'm planing on using these copper rivets as ferrules. I went to buy some round head rivets to drill trough, but these will be just fine after shortening I think. The other thingie I accidentally found in my parts bin, trying to decide whether it's too much to use it as a strap lock or not...

    33134894465_718a1f1f31_b.jpgIMG_20170226_154741 by Goran P, on Flickr

    33134894155_c8e017c2c8_b.jpgIMG_20170226_204158 by Goran P, on Flickr

    BTW, finally managed to put all the puzzle pieces of the classical top back together, dremel route over the whole patched surface to get rid of any residue glue/silicone/whateverthatwas, and glued back the bridge. Fingers crossed. All in all, it think it's 16 or 17 glueings just for the bridge so far. Cracked heel next, and then it's polishing time.


    • Like 1
  7. Excellent work on that build! I tried to duplicate what you did using the measures from your pics. It would have been easier if I routed before profiling the neck, but it went well, so no harm done. I still have to route one small section with the dremel, as I couldn't reach it with the router.

    Slotted the fretboard, drilled for the adjustment nut, and tapered the other side of the neck too. Not in the pics, I have marked the body for tenon routing, which I might do tomorrow. The tenon will be angled, 4.5 degrees. I also got a idea for the string guides, hope it will work.


    32954402192_dd9dff7e7a_b.jpgIMG_20170225_151624 by Goran P, on Flickr

    32954401872_c795ddf2b7_b.jpgIMG_20170225_174338 by Goran P, on Flickr

    32954401442_5616097434_b.jpgIMG_20170225_174355 by Goran P, on Flickr

  8. Thanks Curtisa, I really appreciate the help!   Beer(s) on me should you travel this way!

    It's a one-piece neck, so I'll try to drill 10mm access hole from the end of fretboard, starting from the 25mm hole I've drilled, and connect that with a route from the back. I think  I'll have to make the skunk stripe thicker at the end, to allow for the nut to go in it's place.

    Still have to decide whether to bind the fretboard (black, 2mm) or to leave it be. A friend of mine has an old tele with a baseball bat neck, and that guitar is incredibly easy to play, so I'm kind of aiming for that feel. 24' scale, 12' radius, nut 43, end of fbd 57mm, 23mm thick all around.

  9. The truss rod is in the mail from China, but I was not able to get exact specs on it, so I didn't route the channel. I did do some more work on the neck, so a few pics:

    it's a blemished piece of cherry which I think should be fine, but it's blemishes keep it in the theme. If I don't like it, I'll just call it a test piece :) I'll place the nut at the bottom of the neck, access via circular hole in the pics. One side of the taper is still untouched to use with router and for the slotting. Headstock is still a bit bumpy, at around 20mm, and I plan to attach the tuners like in the pic. The heel is 36mm thick and 70mm long, and the neck should be 23mm.

    I should slot the fretboard next and route for the TR, so if someone has bought a truss rod from China, any info on the width of the channel needed would be much appreciated. It's the 420mm long, 9.2mm nut diameter type.

    32260928563_b27b73b9dc_b.jpgIMG_20170223_172035 by Goran P, on Flickr

    32694466470_bbb68d8d0b_b.jpgIMG_20170223_182857 by Goran P, on Flickr

    32260928303_3d55dd2274_b.jpgIMG_20170223_183206 by Goran P, on Flickr

    32260928013_414854682c_b.jpgIMG_20170223_183742 by Goran P, on Flickr

    32694466280_c477d813f0_b.jpgIMG_20170223_184559 by Goran P, on Flickr

    32260927843_4c5bf8e529_b.jpgIMG_20170223_185208 by Goran P, on Flickr

    32694466800_d02a5d92eb_b.jpgIMG_20170223_185843 by Goran P, on Flickr

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    32260925603_9349163bbe_b.jpgIMG_20170223_195022 by Goran P, on Flickr

  10. :D


    Trying to pick a right shape for the pickup covers. I think the pointy one is the one. The oval one is nice, but looks rather large on the guitar I think... They can either be black, or brass (not full brass, the grill cutting would be too much, just thin self-adhesive brass sheet). I had some other options, but I want to stick with the theme.

    32942221391_a752a77dcb_b.jpgpup covers by Goran P, on Flickr

    32942221471_06a833d701_z.jpgcover by Goran P, on Flickr

    No photos of the neck so far, I did some cutting but so little time these days...I hope to route for the truss rod today.

    BTW, has anyone tried the steel wool and vinegar trick on cherry? I'll need a skunk stripe, and it will be cherry, but if I could oxidize it quickly, it would tie well with the body, and provide some contrast with the neck itself.

  11. Thank you for the ideas! Sorry for the late reply, but weekends sometimes get more frantic then all the workdays in the week combined (read: kids) :)

    I have redrawn the headstocks a little, but still nothing feels completely right...so I've started making a test neck, with the modified middle shape. Cut it out roughly, scored for the frets, ready for sawing the slots. Its also cherry, one piece, 24', 22 frets. Perhaps it's for the better this way, as I could ruin it while attempting a few odd choices.

    12' radius, smallish frets, brass dots (if I manage that), skunk stripe, but still trying to figure out the truss rod- the nut might be better off on the fretboard end, I might need all the space on the headstock for other things.

    Still struggling with a repair of an classical...someone tried to reattach the bridge with something very similar to plumber's silicone??? Should have said no... Laminated top got all delaminated around the bridge, center brace under it cracked off, finish with some crack lines , and to top it all, neck heel cracked trough, I can insert a scraper in there (which actually helps...). Managed to glue the brace back, glued back the peeled off sections of the top, added a patch under the bridge to stiffen the top which was quite wobbly, drop filled finish all over the place, scraped back. Had to slowly cut off the pieces of top still glued to the bridge, now I have to glue all the slivers to their places, and get the old glue off, to prepare the surface for gluing the bridge back on.

    Had to share that, sorry :) After such a rant my wife usually goes "so you can fix it, right?"

  12. Still struggling with the headstock shapes, can't decide whether I am having fun or am frustrated...opinions please! Version 1 is most certainly off. LP fretboard just for visualization, actual one will be different.

    32908508746_8c2d02ae4a_b.jpgversions by Goran P, on Flickr

    What I do know about the headstock is that the tuners are 3+3, but 3 are "normal", and 3 will be like on a nylon string guitar. So, the headstock will have either holes or slits for the strings to pass, or just slits. For whatever reason, I'm coming back to some modded Newyorker shapes, and variants of that semi flat shape...a friend told me yesterday those look like like razors...?

    LP headstock angle, rougly the same length, zero fret or some sort of a zero fret nut.

    BTW, I remembered that I have a set of SD Quarterpounds from one of my early attempts, but they have no covers, making them could be fun, and I could still add a middle pickup!

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