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Everything posted by ajb

  1. ajb

    Mad Guitar

    look everyone, the first accidentally made guitar
  2. ajb

    tough question

    seriously scott, how much did they both cost, thats awesome are they worth the money
  3. mad cow, try reading the first page before voting and you would understand that i said i changed it to your favorite guitarist on the list, and there is no list of guitarists who must show up on every guitairst poll, so yes slash should be there, my dog could be on the poll, and i dont have a dog.
  4. i dont have much money to spend but iwant to somehow paint my acoustic dark brown with a wide tan line downb the middle and two thinner tan lines on both sides oft eh wide one. what should i use and woould i do it.
  5. ajb

    tough question

    i was wondering if anyone on this site owns a prs, do u scott, because these guitrars refuse to print the price in the sam ash magazines.
  6. I can never decide between the simpsons and southpark
  7. For you really skilled guitar makers who make guitars from scrap, have any of you had the idea to "cross breed" 2 guitar types. I drew a sketch of a BCSG(Half BC Rich, half Gibson SG, it looked cool, but i cant finds the sketch and i cant draw another one until my next study hall which couold be a while.
  8. ahh, yeah, could i see a picture of that bc rich, i love them
  9. i know wat is takin guitar away, its that flippin rap, you know wat they say, u cant spell crap without rap.
  10. i dont think thats it, but thats pretty cool
  11. anyone give me some simple effect ideas for a not so smart effect maker guy
  12. thats cool, i want it for my epiphone les paul
  13. im gonna get flmaed for this but tom delonge is pretty underrated, and tom morrelo
  14. You shuldnt have bought that squire, they are cheap man, they never play well.
  15. i havent played dean markley bass strings, but im happy wiht dean markley guitar strings.
  16. ajb

    N00b help

    try some stuff like the beggining solo parts of master of puppets or stairway, i love playing the stairway solo, P.S. if u play the master of puppets one and you are a beginner, make sure its the first solo, i dont want to be responsible for any exploded heads.
  17. nice guitar, but i dont think its yours, i've seen it on musicians friend or somthin
  18. true, he is good, but not as good as hendrix
  19. ajb

    tough question

    wylde, ibanez isnt that bad, ibanez does make basses and if i remember correctly fretless basses too, but u do u hafta be cautious when buying an ibanez electric, cant say i've palyed an ibanez acoustic though.
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