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Posts posted by croaticum

  1. I allways send guitar, but there is few things you can do. Go take look at the project guitar tutorial section.

    You can do head finish the same way like body.

    I cant help you with glue choice cos i have never done material finish on a guitar or anything, but, again, its there in tutorials.

    Im sorry but i dont have wectors for your guitar but try to improvise some, for exemple lay your guitar body on peace of paper and draw a cube around it, mesure it and use it as template im photoshop.

    I allways use nitro paints, the dry fast.


    I was thinking that b/w pics or sephia pix with drop shadow effect on blk guitar body would look awsome on your guitar. Youl achive that anic look on it. Maybe you should play with pix to give them old ripped look, thats just an idea im not telling you what to do. Dont get me wrong.

    If you need any help with photoshop or corel im here for you.

    just mail me or pm on yahoo

  2. there is thing called liquid crome!!!!

    lgm brobably knows much more abou that (since he has done tons of airbrushing)

    it is paint for a airbrush, i dont know it it sels for spray guns, but still.

    the guys that do finishes on bikes (if you know any bike shops in your area) could sell you some, they usualy have it!

    well, as i said, LGM could maybe help you more with this.

  3. ok,

    there is that one thing i think would look pretty cool on guitar.

    I like the idea of photos on guitar but have never tryed to do it but here is what i would do:

    First, if you know how to work in photoshop or corel, download the template of the body of guitar and import it into lets say corel.

    Then delete all the vectors you wont need and scan your pics and aligne them into your guitar body shape.

    then you can do fading effect on your body sape in corel (the colour that the rest of your guitar vould be like) (( p.s, that way you can use even drop shadow effects and so on, what would give your guitar 3d look)) Put few smaller pics on bottom so you can cut them for testing.

    try ask arround if any photo printing shops can print you 1 to 1 scale photo (usualy they can do that 'cos they can print out A0 size) or plot it on the ploter on photo paper (construction companyes have the best ploters so if you know someone give the graphic to him plus they use corel)

    Then, cut the guitar shape and glue it on your guitar and aply clear coat

    ( first try with aditional print to test the kind of clear you will work with to see if it will effect the colours on print, nitro etc...)

    But really important.......take photos of a procedure and post the pics in forum so you can pass the "how to do it" for next generation, lol

    hope i helped

  4. i can only recomend you to buy spray gun.

    i used to work with one like this------->


    untill i had enough cash to buy some pro stuff, but i still use it alot.

    its really cheap here in croatia. Something like 80-90 gbp translated in ur mony.

    If you choose to get yourself one, paint will cost you less and u'll get to start experiment with colours and effects,

    I'm not sure about mixing nitrocellulouse and celullouse paints. I think i read somewhere on this forum that it is not recomendable to mix those two together.

    I personaly stay with one brand when i start project.

  5. it should have shine on it, if it is not mate paint, but sometimes they turn out mate.

    old colour or something else i dont know.

    some time ago i had the same prob, but i sprayd few coats of clear so it turned out ok.

    I was aplying metalic blk on my bc rich and when it was dry she turned mate


    and this is after few coats of clear:


    so in other words yes you can continue with your project if you ask me...

    hope i helped

  6. well,

    first thing that comes to my mind is to mix bunch of silver flakes (you can buy that in any hobby/art stores) and mix it with clear, then spray it withy your paint gun, if you have one.

    If you dont have paint gun try to go to your local paint shop and they will probably be able to mix it up for you and put it in the can.

    hope i helped

    If you put silver flakes in a spray gun or a spray can than unless the nozzle was round enough to let them out, than it would pretty much just clog it up, or if it was round enough it would probably run out like lightly running water. Unless you can get tiny flakes small enough to fit out of a spray gun/can nozzle.

    well dont put big ones, lol

    you know that flakes that goes into metalic paints, well those are called effects and you can buy it separatly from the paint.

    just ask for paint effects in your local shop.

  7. i allmoast allways use nitro.

    It dryes quick so you dont have to wait long.

    Usualy i spray every 30mins between layers, then dry it overnight and then aplying clear coat. again every 30 mins until im satisfied with resoults. When it's all dry i use 2000 grain sanding paper to polish it. ( but i do that after few days drying)

    then i take lether cloth and fine polish it.

    pls excuse my english its not my first language. lol.

  8. hi,

    im doing lots of painting lately and my advice would be to take it slow!

    dont loose any parts - lol and sand it really smooth so you dont have riples and other bad sanding effects!

    maybe you should remove paint with chemicals?!

    anyway if you mess it up you can allways repaint it again!

    i would recomend you nitro based colour 'cos it's drying time is really fast and i know, since it is your first paint job, you will have anything but patiece to put it together!

    hope i helped!

    post some pics if you can


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