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Posts posted by madcow

  1. looks like im part of the minority that still does it the old fashioned way...
    i go to the home page go to the tutorial page and click PG forum from the link at the top, i think it is quicker than scrolling through the rules and regs everytime... (i ahve read them though brian! :D )

  2. my first guitar was a 40 yearold hollowbody guitar with the name plate ripped off that was my uncles... i had it fixed up and it plays great, with a few wiring problems still do' know what kind it is... my guess is a gibson copy... anyway i like it a lot

  3. or with the example of "always with me, always with you" by Satriani, I get about 1/4 way through and suddenly theres just bits I cant seem to manage or dont sound right even though Im sure I'm doing it right :D

    the exact same thing happened with me on that song!! igot through the rhythm part and the first part of the lead and then when he starts moving up the fretboard i just couldn't figure it out!

  4. yeah thats a big factor... my band has one song with a really simple intro that i played religiously when i was a wee todller guitarist so i can play it while hopping around etc. its all practice

  5. i have NO idea what you are trying to draw there :D

    amen to that! B)

    anyway i use crappy strap with crappy straplocks and i mean crappy! once the straplock just randomly fell out i discovered the screw was gone!! i am working on other methods besides straplocks to anchor my strap... but i plan to use straplocks on the guitar im working on now... probably dimarzios

  6. I've discovered that the better I've got at playing, the more picky I am about WHAT I'm playing on...

    same thing happened with me...originally i was aone of those All guitars sound ( :D )the same kid of guys but thats changed

    i like lower action, thinner necks, actually ore acurately i don't like high action and thic wide necks...

    f strings i use 10's ,(normal stuff) but i enjoy experimenting with different things

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