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Posts posted by madcow

  1. as you will see i know virtually nothing about piezo pickups

    A couple of questions about piezo pickups:

    1. Can theywork on solid and not solid (hollow) guitars

    2. where do you put them

    3. can you put a piezo a solid body guitar with a FR or strat style trem?

  2. i'm kind of beginnerwhn it comes to guitar, and guitar building, and this forum etc. in my band, me and th other guitarist switch off lead/rythm roles.

    so: g-c-d i just solo in a simple C scale. i dunno what its called but my guitar teacher has called it a blues/rock scale. anyway, i have an asenal of riffs slach techniques that i use in whatever key im soloing in. I also use a scale that is "the white keyes on piano" (spanish scale?) hich is pret much the samething with more notes in between

  3. sorry im new at this customizing thing. I mean i have like little beads that i can melt together to form 10 covers and still have left over. Whats a pup

    no apologies needed : Iam still in the same beginner state that i was 70 or so posts ago... this site is great for learning

    . HOwever i fear that i am becoming addicted to the site :D

    oh sorry, me and my guitar slang, pup is short for pickup

    how hard is the plastic? you could try getting a pickup cover size block of your plastic and routing it out, the sanding it to make it exact.

  4. i really want to make really cool covers for my humbuckers. I want to cover the 4 pickups in the 2 humbuckers with a translusent blue plastic. If i have the plastic as a solid how do i make the pickup cover

    when you say that you have the plastic in solid form do you mean a big lump of plastic?

    PS whats the color of the pups giong to be?

  5. i wasreminded of the JS ibanez model, which i love, and i am trying to make my RG looklike. THe horns seem out of place, i think they need some curve. also a 3x3 would look nice, (PRS style?)

    i like the neck through color thingy idea, especially in the headstock, but that would look cooler with a 3x3 you know, semetry

  6. i was scallopeing my fretboard and the inlayed dot markers turned out to be pretty crappy, afterfinising the scallopes i discovered that the some inlays were cracking and falling out, basically in horrible condition. A few pokes and prods later three of the dots were totally gone (not to mention the custom made inlay, hat looked like it was about a millimeter deep, so no harm done) leaving a hole in the fretboard. what should i use to mae more dot markers that would be flush with the now curved fretboard... tried solder but it wouldn't bond to the wood

    what i was thinking was either woodfiller and paint or something or a dowel adnpain or sheetmetal... :D

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