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Posts posted by madcow

  1. they are still voting cuz they dont realize he answered it until after they vote and scroll down to leave a reply and read the other ones,

    thats exactly what i did,

    when he said i'll answer in a week i suspected he had already answered and i was being a moron, and look at me now!

  2. after putting a monkey grip in my guitar i became unsure whether i liked it or not, but oh well. I'm painting my guiatr black with white trim...(inside of monkey grip white, and edges white, which i rounded out for a joe satriani signature feel ...kind of....) well thats the last post of the night

  3. LOL what about a Bigsby one? :D

    i inherited my uncles old 40 year old hollow body with a bigsby style bridge and i don't really like it at all... it can't go up very much, to the dismay of my broken strings, and it gets the guitar out of tune when you dive bomB

    Floyds are the best, originals especially(i've heard rumors that the new licesnsed ones don't stay in tune, but me and my friend vigorously tested my LFR and it seemed fine. those things have a huge range!)

    overall its your playing style

  4. Yes. More than you require is too much. Less is too little.



    anyway, i was fooling around with my guitar and discovered (stupidly) that neck angle is very important.

    TOM need more neck angle obviously... i feel like i was just reading about neck angles... oh yeah here: http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.ph...=0entry122795

    i hope that helps...

    (if im just repeating what you know and what has been said slap me)

  5. Ive kind of got it into my head that the more directly or larger area that is conected to the wood the beter it will sound? Neck throughs have more sustain cause of a larger more solid conection right? So shouldnt a bridge be the same?

    help a neewbie in need of enlightenment ;-)



    that makes sense to me...

    we can be noobies in need of enlightenment together!


    or neewbie

  6. lol just kiddin, one of the things that helped with my tapping was, once you learn how to do it, then when you're practicing it is good to do it unplugged, or on like a clean channel. that will help you get it down to flowing better, without the distortion covering it up

    you aredefinitely right, it helps a lot practicing unplugged, it helps you figure out which part needs work... well, i only have a hollow body so its easier to do that

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