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Posts posted by Maiden69

  1. Hey Wes, if you want to get your shape back, Join the Marines, they run you to death starve you until your backbone can be seen thru your stomach, then they brain wash you to make you think that you are the nest looking person there is and that all those starving childs in the east are just trying to look like you... :D Well I'm exagerating a liitle bit but thats close to the truth... I thought that as an Iron worker you should be in top shape...

  2. that really looks good, I know that you were going with the pickguard, ( I don't like them) but it looks great, ( can't imagine how that shape will look without it) and the placement of the pickup switch is better than the place were Gibson does on the LP, I keep tripping on mine :D . keep us posted with your progress...

  3. Looks great, go ahead and build it. I am playing with the Hetfield/Lawrence headstock myself, I will try to go with a straight string pull 3+3 or a 4+2, I alreadi have in drawing, can't do it on CAD yet, just downloaded from Guitarbuild. The 4+2 looks more slanted, like a big knife in the top. Let us know when you start building it...

  4. Oh, and I've never had any problem with UPS's speed. Usually takes a week or less.

    That's if you order UPS air, I got my GNX1 from Musicians Friend and they had the free shipping and it stated 2-5 days UPS Ground and when I checked on the UPS site the deliver time is up to 4 weeks, and that's how long it took, 3 weeks 5 days. And this is on Continental USA, imagine from Hawaii. I will always use USPS, insured and certified so that I know the date it was recieved. It will still be cheaper than UPS.

  5. I seen a Fender guitar with the same damage... It was at a friends gig and the guitarist keep missing chords and solos ( was drunk and who knows what else) and suddenly he stoped and thought that he was Hendrix and smashed the guitar against a concrete floor B) . It was a vintage white strat and the place were it hit the floor flatted just like the one on your bass... he hitted the guitar once, and then realized what he did, ( he sober up in a second) and started crying like a baby :D too bad for him...

    I like the shape you are going with. I have always liked asymmetrical shaped guitars. Keep us posted of your progress like always, I love pictures...

  6. well it still tightens...it is just the way the neck bows that changes...tightening it while upside down will move the neck the opposite way from if it is right side up

    thanks Again Wes!!! So when you tighten it it doesn't create tension on itself but it bows back. I had it wrong! When I look at things I look at them at a mechanics point of view, thanks for the info...

    I thought that by increasing the tension you actually pull the neck ( increase the "hardness" or strenghten the neck) back from the string pull not bow it back.

  7. Thanks for the reply's... The reason why I want to redo is because when I bought it I was looking for a gold top or a nice blue one they had in display, (dark ble but with metallic finish like the gold top) and whan the guy picked it up a piece about a 1/2" fell from the corner were the knobs are. He also had this one on display and the price was $549, so he dropped $100 because I was going to leave and I got it. I really like the figured tops' but I will like to do somenthing more elaborate, my opinion is that regular sunburst (cherry or whatever) look boring. I love the blue, purple, green, etc...

    I guess I will let it be for now, but I don't know for how long. I will consider my options since the guitar play nice and I got no complains about it. Any other sugestions will be welcome. And one more question to add. If I sand it how difficult is it to add a veneer to a carved top? Thanks again for your input...

  8. I don't know much about thrus rod, but i know quite a bit on machine shop, and thinverting the rod won't change the way it gets tightened. the screw will be in the same position, tighten CW and loosen CCW, the only way to change this is by inverting the threads on the screw.

    Please if I'm wrong let me know because like I had said before, I'm here ot learn. I'm new to guitar build but I got wood working and machinist experience, so I might be able to trade off some knowledge.

  9. This is my guitar DSC00581.jpg


    I want to redo the top. May be with a gold top with flames or a chameleon type burst or if I can get the the finish off, a flame job where I can see the flame with dye and a solid color over it. Has any of you done somenthing like this. I contacted Epiphone and they told me that the top is a veneer, and that they don't know ( how thick or what type of wood is under it). Let me know because my other guitars where already sent and as soon as I get them I will be refinishing all of them.

  10. Check thread he is using epoxy to cover even the humbucker hole, I think that the little string thru holes won't be a problem

    he DOES NOT want to plug them :D

    okay...i just finish as normal,but when they start to fill up i use the drill bit (with my hand,not a drill)to open them back up...it is no big deal

    for bridge inserts,i use newspaper rolled up and stuffed in...

    Sorry about that Wes, B) , Sometimes reading in English and translating to spanish you loose some sense of what you are reading, I will try to be more carefull :D from now on...

  11. Litchfield, the repair looks better now with the base coat on. You should have told the guy to send it USPS (United States Postal Service) insured, it would have taken about 4 days from Hawaii. I have a friend and they send stuff here all the time and for letters it only take between 2-4 days. If he used UPS you will be waiting for about 3 weeks. They suck unless you order the UPS next day and it will cost you about $20. Good luck...USPS is one of the best ones, believe me... in some other places it sucks to get stuff mailed, they ask you what it is, and if they know it's somenthing that you bought from other place, they charge you 16%.

  12. Try Intellicad and TurboCAD Learning addition. They both have free versions available. Intellicad has a similar interface to Autocad and TurboCAD LE is a bigger version of the guitarbuild download.


    He is refering to the guitars models. And I haven't heard of them, but if I do I will post it here.

  13. Hi, I just finished printing the plans for an explorer (the old ESP type) with the hetfield headstock. I'm going to go with the Carvins neck thru since this will be the first guitar I will build. The problem I have is the it's a 25.5" neck and the plans are for 24.75". Do I just measure .75" lower from the plans and then position the neck there. Also is the 25.5" measured to the high E or to the center of the bridge, will use a TOM with strings thru the body. Also I plan on modifying the head stock to a 4+2 and carved. The wings will be mahogany or swamp ash.

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