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Posts posted by dcamp67

  1. yes yes, he's right, and I was thinking that too, cause everyone is ALWAYs on the pluses of dying black and sanding back, etc. I was just simplifying it down cause i though you were a newbie cause you thought that was an "aged finish". As in like what fender does. So I didn't wanna confuse you. As for what PRS says about the "old" overcoat... I have NO clue... looks like a gloss finish to me...


    It's been mentioned before that black stain is actually made from a blue base, and will have a green 'tint' or 'haze' to it when a yellowing laquer is applied. Wouldn't you be better off dying with a DARK brown and sanding back as a first step if you are looking for that type of finish? I wouldn't want ANY hint of green on a finish like that if were my guitar.....

  2. Here is the procedure I've used for Danish Oil.  It was passed on to me by a guy who builds excellent basses.


    I had great success with this finish, but the Watco brand turned out just a bit darker than I expected on maple.  On mahogany, it was fantastic.

    Hope this helps.  :D

    Have you ever used any tint in this procedure, and couldit be feasable to stain the piece with a water- or oil-based stain before starting the procedure or is it for a "natural" finish only?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Thanks for the reply's... The reason why I want to redo is because when I bought it I was looking for a gold top or a nice blue one they had in display, (dark ble but with metallic finish like the gold top) and whan the guy picked it up a piece about a 1/2" fell from the corner were the knobs are. He also had this one on display and the price was $549, so he dropped $100 because I was going to leave and I got it.  I really like the figured tops' but I will like to do somenthing more elaborate, my opinion is that regular sunburst (cherry or whatever) look boring.  I love the blue, purple, green, etc...

    I guess I will let it be for now, but I don't know for how long.  I will consider my options since the guitar play nice and I got no complains about it.  Any other sugestions will be welcome.  And one more question to add.  If I sand it how difficult is it to add a veneer to a carved top?  Thanks again for your input...

    I've seen on here from several people that it's virtually impossible to add a veneer to a carved top that has drop offs in multiple directions without things like vacuum presses and the like. You can do a veneer to a single direction drop like the arm contour on a strat pretty easily, though. Just wet and bend, glue and clamp. The radius curves make it impossible to wet and bend, because you will end up with a fold somewhere. The best bet if you want to "redo" somthing like what you're talking about it to thickness plane the body down by 3/4" and put a maple cap on, then carve the drop yourself with a router, planes, or sanding.

    Good luck! :D

  4. Yo maiden, I know these aren't the answers you want to hear but....

    Considering that's an Epi, there is a STRONG possibility that the veneer could be as thin as 1/32 of an inch. If it is that thin, the stain would have penetrated all the way through the veneer to the base wood. If you try to sand that finish off, you run the risk of going through the veneer just getting the stain out.

    I agree with Maestro, leave it be, and build yourself another with the finish you want.

    my .02 :D

  5. We're not getting signed. Yeah i know the world sucks dude, I get screwed over all the time (hehehe). but, alotta bands just "sign" themselves. they can record it and promote it, and since the music industry sucks, thats why we won't rip off the kids who wanna listen to some cool stuff. Hell, I'll have a regular job the band is just kinda a hobby.

    That's pretty honorable, frankie. There are several death metal bands in the Tampa area that do exactly what you are talking about. If that's your dream, go for it. Just be prepared to be sold out and exploited by every swinging dick in the indie industry that wants to make a fourtune at your expense, and leave you with your day job, a few leftover scraps, and your "musical integrity".

    Good luck, and I'm not being in the least bit sarcastic with you, good luck.

  6. Uhhhh yeah, not every band is a sellout like Creed. I don't care about money, I'll have a regular job......Naive my butt, yeah I can't wait til a cheap starved bootlegged version of our song is on the internet. If people are too cheap to at least reimburse us, then screw them, I mean $3 is nothing

    Don't worry frankie, were not picking on you. It won't be until you turn 19 or 20 before you realize you don't know everything, and that the real world sucks because the people in it all pretty much suck. I'm not being a pessimist, but given a chance, most of the people that are out there will screw anyone they don't know just to get one step ahead. That's called survival of the fittest, and it's an ingrained instinct. Darwin described it pretty well.

    Youth is for being naive, enjoy it while you can. It your band gets signed, your CD will cost $18.99 at FYE just like every other one ther because the record company will make sure it does.

  7. Dont you just love niave kids??

    I just hope I'm around to see it when the real world kicks him square in the balls and shows him what reality is.

    "Any 20 year-old who isn't a liberal doesn't have a heart, and any 40 year-old who isn't a conservative doesn't have a brain. "

    Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) English statesman, author

  8. *EDIT*

    I'd post some clips, but I've never been able to get my tone on tape with any sort of accuracy. My recording gear sucks massively.

    Bla, bla bla. If you can't put up, then shut up. Like I already said, a 23 y/o who is God's gift to the f'ing 6-string.

    I've been playing since Mustaine was in Metallica, I KNOW low end. If you have it , let's hear it,

    You are coming across her as a know-it-all . Show some props to those with 11,000 post and "Mod" in their title, or you run the risk of being terminally ignored. "Muddy" does not describe KORN in any way, shape, or form. I am not their biggest fan, but their tone is loud and clear.

    Stop acting like you know everything you're talking about (as a tech-for-hire, in your own description) and begin to learn from the people here. You may actually make a good builder if you put your pride aside for a little while and listen without an attitude.

    Litch, PM this guy and explain how you are a better person, as well as builder, for demonstrating the strength to admit that you need to learn more, I respect you more for it (and that new avatar!!!)......

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