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  1. Ditto! USA Custom Guitars The owner used to work at Warmoth but branched out on his own. High quality and great customer service. Hey im just checking out that site now. Does they/he make bass necks?
  2. Hey all this is my first post, but ive been a long time watcher of these forums. Anyway my names Phil, im a 17 year old student from Melbourne, Australia, and im currently making my first ever 4 string bass in my shop (woodwork) class this year. Basically the specs on this bass will be a 34inch scale, bolt on neck, sily oak/lacewood body (same wood, different name), im buying a warmoth neck with a pau ferro fret board (21 frets & paddlehead so i can cut out my own headstock design). The bass is gunna have a passive EMG HZ pup in it, and thats about it. I plan to put just a wax finish over the bass and the neck (not the fertboad) when im done aswell. Anyway ive managed to get a few chunks of silky oak, and last night i laminated them. ive drawn up the design on MDF, but i didnt make the body length long enough, so now i gota re-draw it and extra inch and a half longer so the bridge doesnt hang over the end of the bass. Anyway ive got a few questions to ask you guys. 1) the bridge i scored looks kinda old, the saddles have seen better days, but it will still do the job. However, i think the string-thru idea is pretty cool, so would that be a possibility for a first timer? If i do, what sort of ferrules are good? 2) When i cut the body shape out, what parts should i stop on? Re-phrasing that question, i should say what are the most common blow out areas when routing out a body? Is there any particular way i should go considering the grain structure? 3) Wheres the sweet spot for a single coiled bass? Is there any sort of formula, or position i should put this pickup? This will sound really cliche, but i want this beast to have a nice warm bassy tone, but still have a good 'nasally' tone that you would get from soloing a rear pup in a jazz for example. 4) wiring diagrams. Im only going to have a volume and tone knob, but what way should i wire everything? 5 and beyond) any other pointers you guys wanna give a newbie? what are some common mistakes you guys ran into your first time and what sorta problems do you think i personally would encounter? Thanks alot! -Phil
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