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Posts posted by litchfield

  1. No, I like em, when they are dobne right, and not just beat up. The wear marks meed to be accurate. I really hate it when someone just beats the snot out of a guitar and calls it reliced. No , that was you beating the snot out of a guitar. :D

    I dont like Fender's Relics because they are way too expensive. I saw a 62 strat for $2300 recently. It has been refinned, but who cares? It's got the Mojo!

  2. Here it is, time to go for it. Here's what I have.

    Mockup of what it will be:


    (Kramer neck used for illustration purposes only)

    Alder body

    Maple neck (flamed)/fretboard

    Bullet trussrod

    CBS Big head


    Floyd (might change to hardtail, still in the air.)

    Lake Placid blue ish. LPB is hard to find, so I am using GM Bright Aqua, a C4 Corvette color. LPB was similar, used on 1958 Caddies (also called LPB) and known to Gibson as Pellham Blue. Bright aqua is pretty close, and it's a relic, it dont need to be exact.

    NOTE: If you dont like relics, that's your thing. Just dont flame me for it

  3. lichfield:

    Are you saying to sand the COLOR coat to 1500 as well?

    yeah. I learned that with car paints. the flatter and smoother the color coat the better the clear lays. When using metallics, a light duster coat without sanding will bring the flakes alive. I wish it was do able on dye, then I could alleviate orange peel almost 100%

  4. I almost feel guilty about the whole thing though because it made me feel so good. I don't know who was happier, Kyle, or me :D

    The only thing I can say is if you ever have the opportunity to do something like this for a young kid (and one that deserves it, not just any kid) do it, the rewarding feeling you will get is one that you will NEVER forget.

    That's great Jer. Dont ever feel guitly. It should feel that good to do something nice. I actually started to cry reading the story. It did a lot to show your character. Godd for you, seriously. That is really nice

  5. Well, about the orang peel, ect. I did my prelinary setup, intonation, ect. The thing sounded so good, I had to wait til the next string change to fix the clear. There is more wrong there than the pics show. The ferrules arent too far off, but that's mostly due to the markings supposedly being right, and the drill press operator screwing up, along with other factors. I agree that it is better than past works, but still not the best I can do. Over at Drak's castle, this would have met the wall of death. I dont have a WOD, but I do have a pick. :D The smiley face array of the ferrules combined with the TOM, did pose some problems that I didnt get past, or realize I didnt until it was too late. Doesnt hurt anything tonally or playing wise.

  6. Mexican woods that would work are:

    Cocobolo for the fretboard

    Mahogany for the neck. You could use cocobolo here too, but it wouldn't be ideal.

    Doing a compound radius like you mentioned isnt easy. I would go with a straight 16" radius. The back of the neck is shaped, not radiused, just dont go thru the truss rod route. That almost never happens, but be careful not to.

    BTW....topic moved

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