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Posts posted by litchfield

  1. True, there isnt enough criticism there. If that bugs you, give some. I appreciate the criticism here.

    The bridge doesnt lean as far back as it looks. Remember how massively a tele pup leans? It intonates fine, and those pics are poor represent tations of what it will be. I am waiting on a bardin knock off for it, and I will reshoot the clear then. True the top could be better joined, and such, the heel isnt meant to be a berfect arc, it's meant to fit my hand.

    For those who choose to laugh instead of say something, fine by me. I fixed the neck HB's angled ness, and it looks better now.

    Finally this is not the last FU to PG. I got over my emotions and it's now a carrie tele I bult for myself. All clear?

  2. Any opinions? I am thinking about buying a lil puncher, which they claim is a bardin knock off, to put in my tele. What do I have to lose? a few bucks and the 60 cycle hum from my tele? Fine by me. I like the bardens, but they're kinda rare now.....Anybody buoght any GFS pups from Guitar fetish on the bay??

    Here's a link

    Also thinkin about a pair of Dream 180s for my Schecter....

  3. Might as well. I invited some people over via PM, here's the announcement. My forum for all things guitar. I joined Perry's too. Mine is a little more towards advanced than noob, but none the less all are welcome. I dont have much to say right ATM about PG happenings, but needless to say, I am not really happy here either.

    And BTW, Kevan and Wes didnt take 2 weeks off. Dont be decieved.

  4. Lacewood would have a wonderful tone with that. Lacewood is becoming my favorite, even more than black limba. The tone is very smooth with a nice low end and nice highs, but not crisp or bright. Like mahogany on some good dope!

    Walnut would also be a good choice, not as pretty unless you shell out the $$. I say either of those would do you excellent. I'd go lacewood tho, looks and better tone IMO.


    Deuce bass.

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