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Posts posted by smitty

  1. Why not legalize it? How many times do you hear that such and such was killed by a driver that was stoned? You hear about people being killed by drunk drivers more then anything, or meth labs that blow up.

    I used to smoke pot, hell I've tried just about everything there is to try, but I haven't touched any controlled substance in a little over 3 years now, and I haven't drank alcohol in over 6 months.

    Now there are pros and cons that go along with everything. Some people think it shouldn't be legalized others think the opposite. To each his own in my opinion. But if it's going to happen it's going to happen. Right?

    In my opinion if it is legalized they should at least put an age limit on it much like that of alcohol. Granted it's not going to stop underaged people from doing it, but they haven't managed to stop minors from drinking either have they?

    I think it's eventually going to happen, but I also think it's going to be highly controlled, or at least it should be for that matter.

    I won't go into much detail, but I say NO! Last thing you want is a freaking high asswipe at the wheel of a car running in the streets, is bad enough with the idiots that drink and drive to have more idiots driving high, and then what, are they going to "blow" to see if they are legaly intoxicated, pplleeaassee!!!

    Alright, people driving stoned would be alot better then people driving drunk. Have you ever been around someone that was stoned? How about rode with someone stoned? I can honestly say that I would rather someone drive stoned then drunk. At least when you're stoned you have more control over your actions. This is just my opinion, and I'm going to stop right now, because if I don't I'll be typing all night. :D

    have you actually ever heard of drug driving?

    it's getting to be a big problem in the UK, so it's no joke.

    and i voted no. for many reasons, including the fact that's it's not fun anymore if it's legal B)

  2. For example I cannot imagine that you are abe to play the stuff between 5:00 and 5:30 really clean and with every noted picked.

    I'll never understand why people say things like that about guitarists who aren't "famous".

    Petrucci is just another guitar player, when I was at NAMM I heard 100 different players who all played just as clean and fast as he does but aren't famous. Remember the best guitar player in the world is probably some kid who will never leave his basement.

    In all honesty, I think Petrucci, Vai, Romeo, all those guys are wicked, but I have heard guitarists in other genre's that could smoke every one of them in speed and clarity. I don't judge how good a guitarist is by how fast they can play that's for certain. I can play as fast as I want when I want to, I spent many years developing speed techiniques, but that doesn't really do it for me.

    I'll see if I can dig up some recordings I have that are more recent and try to get them online. I'm far from a phenominal guitar player, after being at NAMM, I don't even know if I consider myself that good anymore, but I enjoy it so that's really all that matters. For a challenge to myself I like to play the most technical stuff I can. Petrucci is fast and creative, but on a technical level he's not doing the crazy things like Romeo is. Romeo was the reason I learned multi finger tapping, Gilbert was where I learned string skipping, for pure technicallity, Romeo and Sy X are one of my favorite bands. Don't get me wrong, I love DT, I really do, they just don't amaze me anymore. Their newer stuff is getting boring, old DT is where it's at AFAIC.

    Anyway, here is one song I do have online, it's about 5 years old and was written, sequenced, and recorded all within about an hour after I was mugged one evening.

    The guitar tone sucks, it's just straight into a boss BR8, but hey, it's all I have on here for now :D



    nice guitar solo

    some of the whammy bar is slightly vai-like, but that's not a bad thing.

    to make this post related to dream theater or something, the music in that song is a more classic rock than prog rock type of thing. not very dream theater, which isn't a bad thing, lol.

  3. I think DT's older stuff is wicked, the new stuff, so so, and live, well, James Labrie isn't a very good singer live.

    I think Symphony X is a better band for talent, writing, and overall sound

    Symphony X's singer, Russel Allan, kicks LaBrie's ass. He's a really really good singer IMO.

  4. the best thing to do is to just copy and paste the url into the reply box...it automatically turns it into a link.

    Or you can just post the pic using the IMG tag, like this: (hahaha)


    that is a purse my ex-wife made from material my sister found at hancock fabrics about 12 years ago...i have been trying to find more like it because i wish to use it on a guitar or amp some day.no luck so far,i try to post it every now and then to see if someone has seen more like it,but i haven't in a while.

    so since drak was so nice as to post it,maybe someone could help me out?

    Doesn't seem a very metal fabric, for a metal mod :D

    it would be pretty funny playing death metal on a paisley telecaster through an amp, carpeted with that though.

    nice material, but i've no idea where to get it.

    Drak, i think you should lay off him. he already said he was a small time builder, that means he builds guitars. his guitar's would no doubt be called la rose guitars, and as he has built these already (he said he'd love to show his work) he should be allowed to have his name as la rose guitars.

    if his name was la rose pro guitars or something, then you have a case, but in my opinion it's fine as it is.

    he could always put in his sig something like "amateur guitar luthier"

  5. how do you know if you've been warned? and no that does not mean you can test it out on me! haha.

    You'll get an email and/or PM notifying you of the warning. The Warn Status Bar on the left side of the page next to your name will also go up.

    We'll try to use this as an alternative to suspensions.

    i can't see the warn bar anywhere


    is it a feature you turn on and off in your board options?

  6. well, i have been getting into meshuggah for quite a while now. they are a fantastic band.

    everything is very interesting in their compositions, gotta love the odd times!

    really cant get enough - thats why i may make an 8 string guitar, just to see what it sounds and plays like!

    i think it would be a worthy project! but where do you get 8 string bridges!

    anyone else like meshuggah?

    im into extreme music atm, dont know why - perhaps im cross, depressed or something, fetch the psychologist!

    but i cant get enough of em!

    listened to I twice through - its 21 mins long!

    well, thats me done!


    i think you're just in the mood for metal slayage


    just don't use two bass bridges together


  7. very talented musicians

    but not the type of band i'd listen to for fun


    they are still good on the odd occasion.

    i like the song as i am

    although it was meant to be a radio song,

    and to some degree a sellout

    from their sellout album, train of though

    (correct me if im wrong)


    it's still a good song.

    less "prog" than their usual stuff, but that is to be expected if it is their "radio hit" from their "radio album"

    i like some of the "proggier" Dream Theater as well.

    btw. is it Dream Theater or Dream Theatre?

    lol. i think it's Dream Theater, but people spell that word differently in different countries.

    they might even spell it differently in different states of America.


    No offence to anyone that might cause offence to.

    i liked dream theater (er...) 's album Scenes from a memory.

    i don't listen to dream theater often, but maybe i had an off day and listened to this album. :D

    it is definitely good, and there are some great moments which shine though, but in all, it can get rather boring.

    (i think they solo too much...lol.)

    i liked it on the whole though. some of the time signatures were a bit irregular, but you get used to that when listening to prog.

    it is good to stray from the regular






    every once in a while.

    i mean, that's all you get in regular pop, or rock.

    like ACDC.


    back to the point.

    dream theater are a band which are worthwhile to listen to.

    especially if you're into prog, or metal in general.

    i enjoyed it to a certain extent, and i dont like prog very much.

    im certainly not a fan.

    if you really like prog, you should try to listen to one of their "proggier" albums.

    i.e. skip out the "radio album" - that is, train of thought, and try something more heavy, and prog, like seven degrees of inner turbulence, or scenes from a memory (which i talked about earlier), or metropolis live.

    it has some mindblowing solos in it, but then, don't all dream theater albums?

    i especially love the live rendition of overture 1812 (is that correct?)

    it surpasses the already quite excellent studio verion.

    check out dream theater.

    they're good , although not that good, and they may not be suited to your tastes, but you should have a listen and decide for yourself.

    as shakespeare once said "lest ye have tried of the fruit, spurn not its taste"


  8. I'm using Norton Systemworks and it seems to be holding its own.  Most people should realize that the cure only comes out after the disease, so keep your virus protection updated.

    what virus protection would you suggest?

    and with regards to this post....


    i don't use Firefox.

    I was thinking about installing it, but I decided not to. 

    : blink :

    Instead of using Firefox, I just use regular Mozilla instead.

    I'm not sure what version..*checks* 

    : read

    Mozilla 1.6

    I've heard there's a Mozilla 1.7, but i don't know if it's worth upgrading to.

    : blush

    The reason why I haven't bothered to install Firefox is because just regular Mozilla looks better, and as you said, there's a big security hole in Firefox.

    Firefox has a massive security hole in it at the moment. Not secure at all at all.

    And yeah, there are no Linux viruses. Only ones for Windows.



    Cos the hole was only introduced in version 1. The hole hasn't been released for obvious reasons but it exists. Luckily, most people don't attack FireFox.

    And in case anyone was doubting me, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/01/07/mozilla_flaws/

    This post has been edited by feylya: Jan 27 2005, 02:45 PM



    Also, some of the features on the regular Mozilla don't seem to be present on Firefox.

    Just btw, Firefox is still a Mozilla browser. Just a different type.


    I might haev a look through some of the other browsers to see if they're worth using instead.

    btw, does regular Mozilla have the same security hole?

    If it does, maybe I would consider changing to another one.

    Maybe Opera, but definitely not back to Internet Explorer,

    lol. : lol :


    would there be any virus protection programs or systems that can be integrated with your browser? :D

    If so, which browsers.


    and which anti-virus programs.




  9. well,

    i don't use Firefox.

    I was thinking about installing it, but I decided not to.


    Instead of using Firefox, I just use regular Mozilla instead.

    I'm not sure what version..*checks*


    Mozilla 1.6

    I've heard there's a Mozilla 1.7, but i don't know if it's worth upgrading to.


    The reason why I haven't bothered to install Firefox is because just regular Mozilla looks better, and as you said, there's a big security hole in Firefox.

    Firefox has a massive security hole in it at the moment. Not secure at all at all.

    And yeah, there are no Linux viruses. Only ones for Windows.



    Cos the hole was only introduced in version 1. The hole hasn't been released for obvious reasons but it exists. Luckily, most people don't attack FireFox.

    And in case anyone was doubting me, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/01/07/mozilla_flaws/

    This post has been edited by feylya: Jan 27 2005, 02:45 PM



    Also, some of the features on the regular Mozilla don't seem to be present on Firefox.

    Just btw, Firefox is still a Mozilla browser. Just a different type.


    I might haev a look through some of the other browsers to see if they're worth using instead.

    btw, does regular Mozilla have the same security hole?

    If it does, maybe I would consider changing to another one.

    Maybe Opera, but definitely not back to Internet Explorer,

    lol. :D


  10. Well, it's amazingly jacked on MSIE for Mac, but seems to work fine on the PC.  If any other Mac users have issues, please let us know.

    We'll be doing plenty of re-tweaking to get the Forum looking and operating smoothly.  The forum is ultra-secure now, so what happened on those other sites shouldn't happen here...*knocks on burled maple*...

    Sorry Postwhores- the post count goes away again (that'll be the FIRST thing I do tonight).

    Thanks for the kudos, and we'll get ya back up to speed in no time.

    nice work, getting right on the post count there. i might have been post whoring if it hadn't got removed so quickly :D

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