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Posts posted by syxxstring

  1. Having played lots of churches I think Ultraman really doesnt get it.

    Many churches in the US are using 5 or more piece bands in rooms designed to be auditoriums or general purpose rooms, or rented gymnasiums.

    Drums, Guitar(s), Bass, Keys, Woodwinds, etc... On top of at least 2 vocal mixes.(worship leader and background singers)

    Im not hear to debate the mega church, I do that elsewhere, but the simple fact is they are trying put a quality effort into thier music.

    Most of the performers and soundmen are amateurs with little to no profesional experience especially outside the church.

    To the original question:

    Do you need 7 monitors or 7 monitor mixes.

    If you need 7 mixes why? Can't people just get along?

    Can you cut back on your mixing needs with a better stage layout and controling stage volume. (not just turning people up or down but better aiming amps at the drummer, guitarist, bass player etc...)

    You can daisy chain additional monitors into sub groups to make it work. Most of the solutions I have seen that allow 7 monitor mixes would be more money than most boards, or require a second board. The reality is most church soundguys(and clubs) wouldnt know how to mix it. I wouldnt want to if i thought i could.

    Here's how I would work it as the sound guy with four monitor mixes.

    Instruments - Guitar, Bass, Drums, etc... Using stage volume and a well laid out stage this group should be pretty easy to satisfy. They usually just want instruments and lead vocal. Unless my guitar is runing direct or my amp is miked off stage no one including me usually wants me in the monitors.

    Leader- They usually want it all, with themselves boosted. If they also play an instrument this complicates things.

    Back ground vocals- This may take 2 mixes depending on the number and type of people. They usually want lead vocal, themselves and very little of the instruments.

    I know this is 3 of 4 mixes. If i can i would then use the 4th for seperating a group if I needed to. Or ignore it and make life 25% easier as the sound guy. Also I might regroup if keys are in the mix.

    Depending on the room and amps/people involved I often wouldnt put any instruments in the monitors unless we have winds or keys or something weird.

    My $.02

  2. Anyone have any good tricks for cleaning the cigarette smell out of guitar cases. I just got my Jem with the original numbered case and it stinks. I may have to store it in the garage.

    In most cases Id just store it and consign it with some other guitar but can't in this case.(HA)

    Fabreez? Potporri(LOL)?

    Anyone actually used anthing that works well? Cuz right now with the case open you can smell it in the computer room next to my guitar room....

  3. The neck is from carvin i got it in a trade a while back.

    The hole the tone control is in was intended for a switch but then I didn't have one on hand. They suck that close together.

    The color scheme was an accident I had a whole other idea planned and was experimenting. It didnt work this is what was left between sandpaper changes. I primed it grey and that didnt work for a base with the yellow. I primed it white and the finish wasnt going on right so....

    Ive thought about doing the headstock but probably wont I do want to add a pick holder to the non tuner side.

    It looks like i need to wet sand and rub it out from the pics. My favorite feature is not having to worry about dings and scratches etc...

  4. Well its not totally done but the changes are minor:

    1. replace bad tone placement with selector switch for coils

    2. Make Jack Holder and Control Covers

    3. Play more finish off(this is long term)

    The story;

    Went to a yard sale and bought some basswood for 5 bux. Will get three bodies out of it. This one was several experiments sorta lefty body right hand neck. Right hand contours.

    While playing with different finishes I started sanding some off, liked what I saw and stopped. The rest was completed with parts on hand. The toggle switch for the coils will be my largest cash output. (The rest was received in trades etc...)

    Let me know what you think, for now it's call Yaxe but im trying for a better name.



    The Yaxe Gallery

  5. Scott send me your Egnater head and Cab, okay just the head, and I'll set it up in the studio and do some recording in it.

    That way you have a permanent record of what it will sound like.

    My christmass gift to you.

    Heck, if you bring it out here and who doesn't want to come to vegas, I'll even let you watch.

  6. You know you guys make me want to make a pine guitar just cuz you say I cant and shouldn't.

    1. Leo Fender did make pine guitars at first, and did switch because the finish wasn't durable enough. SO, Maybe someone wants a relic? The custom shop also made reissues of these in pine.

    2. I've seen article that Les Pauls prototype "Log" was made of pine. I believe the guitar is still in use today. 50 or so years later.

    3. Maple. Have you worked with it? Scratches and dings like crazy in my experience. Easily gets fingernail scratches after sanding.

    So long and short of it. Make a pine guitar body if you wish it may or may not sound great. If you have the wood and need the practice try it.

    IMHO its pickups and pickup placement that effect tone the most.

  7. After years of looking I've finally found one, A LNG Jem. Everyone I told to try and get them to talk me out of buying it told me to buy it. Wife included. So its being shipped today.

    #76 with the original numbered case, cert, warranty card, and handrest. I can hardly sleep at night with anticipation.

    So look for my upcomming G.A.S. sale in the classifieds.

    The Pics

  8. The site has me confused.

    We'll not really I just think its wrong it shows on Tom Morellos rig that his whammy,delay,eq, and flangerpedals run through his effects loop without a buffer or adapter circuit or anything. Everything I know about loops says that they are a line level not an instrument level signal and this would sound like crap and possibly damage pedals. Maybe his head is modded?

    Toms Rig

    I know when I saw him with Audioslave also that he had some sort of racked processor on stage. From a couple of hundred feet away it looked like a roctron display. (the color,etc...) But Im really guessing there.

    The other funny thing to me is the huge Mick Mars rig, I don't doubt it. But for a guy that just sounded loud and really dirty there's a lot going on there. I cant think of a single crue song that has a ton of guitar effects. Kick start had the talk box. I shall go listen.

  9. What about an "aged" pickguard like the tussart guitars. Or white Mother of toliet seat?

    Personally I dont think its as ugly as most pointy guitars, with the right guard I could really dig it.

    If your doing a refinish maybe sand the angles smooth to give it a sabreish vibe?

    Also Id teardrop the shape of the pickguard to make it look more like a musicman pickguard.

  10. Hey, or G'day

    Im from Las Vegas, Nv but getting ready to go to Australia for vacation for a few weeks. Just wondering if anyone can suggest a good place there to get some lumber to make guitar bodies out of. I know I want some lace wood and not sure where else.

    I will be in sydney for a few days and then brisbane, taking a drive to emerald and then back down the coast to brisbane.



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