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Everything posted by rick_canton

  1. Hey Prostheta, Inded, the router feels like it also could easily snag on the sides and go flying...& yes, the joy of seeing the router bit forming the shape the sides is hypnotizing...it seems that at that point we go to the "zone".... Thanks for the welcome & I`m looking forward to reading more post & sharing. Regards, Rick
  2. Hi Prostheta, Basically, after the routing was done for the T-Trem, H/H & neck pocket, I fine tuned the outline shape to where it needed to be. From there I used a 1.5" roundover bit/ with 1/2" shank. This felt like the router could have taken me on a flight, so I made very shallow passes with the router until it the bearing was flush against the side of the body. This left the body with very rough shaped corners. I then hand filed & sanded the rest to even everything up until Trynyty gave the go to stop. The end result is an even radii with no body/belly contours needed. From there I filed and sanded the neck/heel extension & contouring. I would do it the same way again, basically you use the roundover bit to get the bulk of the wood out of the way & then it is carving/shaping from there. I hope this answered your question, Rick
  3. Hey Group, I just wanted to stop in and see if anyone has any questions with The Ouroboros. The build was unique to me in a few ways. Mainly I am into either complete custom builds or headless/custom builds... that part of this project was very enjoyable. The uniqueness came more from Trynyty`s ideas with the melding of the JS with a GM body along with the electronics configuration... obviously the stellar art work by Therese was unique in itself. I have never installed a Sustainiac before and have never used one before. The wiring looks overwhelming at first but was fairly straightforward and the results were very powerful blending with the EMG 89, the killswitch just added a lot of "fun" to the build especially during "testing" time, that part seemed to go on for an extra hour Feel free to ask any questions, I`d be happy to talk about anything guitar. Regards, Rick Canton
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