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Posts posted by Meegs666

  1. there is a tutorial on the main site on adding a veneer to guitar body. it pretty much works the same way with the headstock as well. if you want a nice cheap bookmatched veneer than go to www.universaljems.com. it looks great with a burst finish or binding, but you dont have to go that route. i seriously would make sure its not a really expensive or rare soloist, because you dont want to tamper with something thats already perfect.

  2. this is really starting to get annoying. go to the guide to guitar building webpage and im sure they have a free one. if you arent familiar with that site than please do yourself a favor and use the search button. i have a feeling that this thread is going to be deleted before the day is over. but anyways, everytime someone wants a free cad plan they are sent to that site, so really use the search, thats what it is there for.

  3. well first off, is it a guitar you are building or are you installing this on the aforementioned classical? because a classical wont pick up on a humbucker cause it has nylon strings. second of all, you might get more responses if you post in the hollowbody and acoustic category. and also murphc beat me to the tone part. you seriously wont be able to get the same acoustic qualities like the resonance because a piezo, or in your case a humbucker, will only pickup the vibration of the strings. it wont mic your acoustic properties.

  4. i have heard the name, but i couldnt tell you anything. could you post a link or something, because i am interested in replacement bodies and necks for fenders. as for the fretboard and neck, i have had to finish a maple neck that had frets on it. i put tape over the frets and used a razor knife to make it so the tape only covered the actual fretbeading. i used satin amber stain and nitro which gave it an awesome glow. i did do some wet sanding afterwards but only to get rid of some sploches in the nitro from spraying.

  5. well i dont really care how accurate the specs are. as long as the naked eye can tell what i was going for. the main question is whether or not it is longer than a conventional sg. it looks that way, so i guess im just waiting on someone to give me a ballpark estimate of the length. and its one of my favorites also, along with that triple neck jem that vai plays, too bad most jems are foreign made locking tremelo pieces of crap or i might have bought two for the price i paid for my old gretsch.

  6. i know this is a long shot, but does anyone have one or know the specs on this one. im already planning my next project. it looks like its longer than an sg so i doubt i could just join two sg templates. so does anyone have the specs or can hazard a guess. if i cant get good specs than im just gonna make a double neck jem as my next one, as it is pretty straight forward.

  7. well i was thinking about how brian used vinyl decal material or whatever under pieces of window acrylic. what about using thin veneers? i was guessing i could just by some small sheets of cheap venneer from constantines and dye the pieces different colors and place them under acrylic. im not sure how it would work out. can anyone hazard a a guess on if its worth it or not.

  8. most new fender necks have 22 fret fretboards but all strats have 21 fret necks, if that makes any sense. the length of the neck down to the heel has always been the same. newer necks have a longer fretboard with an added 22nd fret. the pickguards on new fender strats arent interchangeble with their older counterparts because the neck area has more plastic taken out for the 22nd fret extension.

  9. for a beginer it seems easier to do a shape like a v or an explorer, not much skill needed like top carving and whatnot. the main differences between the rhoads polka dot and a gibson is the headstock and the section where the legs of the v come together. the section at the base of the legs, if you could call them that, is more angled instead of curved like a gibson. thats pretty much all i can give you, as i live in the states and know nothing about template availability.

  10. well tomorrow ill measure with a protractor and see if i can get away with a good enough angle, if you reckon its around ten then i guess im close enough. im not sure if the fact thats its a seven string jackson style is going to take or add to that angle. but im gonna go ahead and draw the shape and form on the side of the block to see what i have, but at the moment it doesnt look like ill get away with the length and angle in tact.

  11. if its an arch top, i would go with a roller bridge tom setup with a bigsby. anything else i would get the smaller bigsby. the kind that people use on solidbodies. if its an lp style arch top id get a tom and a les trem from stewmac. either way id use an earvana nut for strat style bridge and a graphite for bigsby or anything else. i always use locking tuners anyway, trem or not.

  12. i have two inches to work with for my headstock. i dont want to have to do a splice. whats the smallest angle i can get away with and not have to use string trees? also has anyone done a jackson or superstrat style headstock in a straight fender style version, string trees or no string trees? im a big fan of 80s guitars and i want this one to look as old school as i can get it without having to track down a kahler on ebay.

  13. i love that. that is truly an amazing job, even if the quilt top isnt a perfect one piece. i wish i could do something that well but i have to stick to easy shapes like v's and the like. it reminds me of one of those carvin strats where you can get quilt tops and such. its like how carvin would do a jem. i think a burst could hide the joining lines on the top, if you really wanted to.

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