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Posts posted by joshvegas

  1. I kindof agree with mickguard I think the sample is fine I've heard worse from people recording amps but you can't compensate for a speaker especially if its to sell the quality of the guitars A selection of clean crunch and distortion and no effects and let your beautiful guitar do the talking.

    Pods have their place in recording but when it comes down to the sound of the guitar shining through a simple amp (I record guitars through my pignose which is tiny!)

    I'm not sure you should put a man named mike infront of the amp though you might be better with a microphone :D

  2. The pot is probably broken and only making contact at the end of its rotation. Pots do funny things when they break.

    As to the fuse... I'm guessing this is a solid-state amp, in which case I don't know. But I agree with Paul, tube amps generally use slo-blow.

    Its slow blow in both solid and valve they both produce spikes during switch on don't know why maybe capacitors loading or something fancy like that. god i need sleep.

  3. I'll say one thing for fractions of an inch it's easier physically to divide by base two. I just can't see any situation where that is of benefit.

    Soapbar I like that.

    "grrr we don't like you very much and to show how much we dislike you we shall keeep your frankly horrendously archaic measuring system thus making it easier for you, with your entire empires worth of resources, to take our money!" I sure that showed us! :D

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