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Posts posted by Brian

  1. What do you all think about the new "Speed Loader" from Floyd Rose?

    Just reading up where the strings no longer need to be broken in or stretched and return to almost perfect pitch with just a fine tuning on a change has promisses. No more allen wrenches or screw drivers as well after the initial setup. :o

    Having the nut and trem retro-fit already equipt guitars was a great idea as well and of course till major string manufactures catch up it will be a bit limited on where and how you can get strings..... :D

  2. Actually I think the use of them would eliminate the need for tone woods altogether. Since they are based on string vibration alone, it would just be a matter of how well your bridge and nut are mounted don't you think?

    They probably are not offering them for guitars right now because of the tonal differences between them and basses just like you said though.

    I can only speculate but I'd love to hear one just to know what it sounds like.

  3. I've had wonderful results using PC Woody!

    It is a two part epoxy that you mix together with a small scraper till uniform in color.

    Spread it over your boo boo's and let cure 12-24 hours. Sand it down gently and smooth then stain! I would recommend using a very fine artist brush for the stain though since the stain will effect the surrounding area your trying to blend in to.

    PC Woody cost's about $10 in the local stores for a 1.5 fl oz container, If you can't find a dealer local to you off of their website give me an email and I'll see what I can do to get you some.

    BTW, welcome to project guitar :D

  4. Sean that sounds too cool! At one time I was going to attemp an RG-Egypt with my own little flare for being different. What I had planned was to do the top of the body in Papyrus and then heavy clear coat over it.

    I found a supplier on Ebay you can see his store here . Check out his feedback, Tons of repeat customers! I know a lot of negatives as well, but thats because most people don't realize just how long it actually takes to get something in the mail from Egypt (we live in a "I want it now age").

    Sprocketboy gotta say you have courage for sure bro. A material body with countoured sides is probably the hardest one to pull off, especially on your first round :D I really look forward to seeing it! B) And yes I know about the humidity problem, it has been averaging in the high 70% range here the last two weeks. Just give everything thinner coats and longer dry times, thats about all we can do unless your rich and have an airconditioned paint booth :D

  5. Thin regular material like you see on bolts in any material shop.

    You could get away with using a thicker material but chances are it would drive you batty trying to get enough clear on it to smooth out the surface.

    Some people have even used paper instead of material, the only thing you have to watch out for there is that the glue doesn't bleed through it. For that I use a spray on adhesive made for hobby people and available in any good art store or Walmart in the arts n crafts section.

  6. So a tutorial on wiring a guitar from scratch as a reference would be good to show how it's done with plenty of pictures.

    Probably two since they should cover both a front mounted electronics body and a rear cavity electronics body.

    There is absolutly nothing wrong with showing inexperience, after all I want somebody who has never even seen the inside of a guitar to be able to come to project guitar and learn.

    That way instead of them saying oh "its just another one of those guitar sites" they can walk away saying "Ah now I know how to do it" and come back to learn even more, or request a tutorial (if I can't find a good reference, I or somebody else will make it given the time).

  7. The tech I learned from as far as shaping the backs of necks from boards, also used a rather large router bit. I don't quite remember the size though but I'll try to find out for you. I do remember the cost of the bit though, it was around $37 which is a little pricey then again you can use them to make several necks :D

    I'm sure others will have storys to share as they discover the forum. B)

  8. If you were to give me say 2 or 3 different topics that you think will be a good basis for topics, I can work to get some decent tutorial material written up and work from there.

    It would save alot of sifting through material and cut to the heart of the matter.

    Give me your thoughts....

    Thats just it, for now i'm trying to figure out what keeps coming up and is asked the most by newbies on other sites. That way we can cover as many base's for people as possible.

    Hopefully if we show them a data base with the answer they need they might have something interesting to share down the line that we don't know about already.

    One tutorial I already know that needs to be done is adjusting intonation on a guitar. Should be a really easy one to do. A couple or three pictures and a little direction and wham done! Another would be truss rod adjustment since your going to a tech to begin with he could probably model the images for you.

    Yes I know those two are old hat, then again doesnt hurt to have the basics around.

  9. Thanks! To give you an idea of what I am doing in one forum you can see the thread I started by clicking here

    The forum link above actually goes to a guitar magazines forum. I still need to gather information from many diffferent major name brand fan groups such as Fender, Jackson, Gibson and so on. Of course finding a good active forum is also the key.

    Once you find out the most common problems that pop up in that particular group you can start looking for the solutions that were given. From there it is just a matter of writing up a small tutorial on how to take care of the problem. The title of the tutorial of course would be the the problem to begin with.

  10. First person that contacts me to do a TRS to Edge mod and has all of the parts he or she needs to do it can get the following for just return shipping.

    I'll do the mod to the body and make sure the Edge not only fits fine but I'll also prep and spot paint the area I have to route in the trem cavity, all for just the cost of return shipping back to the original owner.

    I will not guarentee the paint to match the body perfectly nor will I do a complete refinish. But hey for just the cost of getting it to me and back to yourself, you'll end up saving the headache of trying to do it on your own.

    You will of course need to send me both the body and the edge you want installed. If you have the larger Edge Trem post's and anchors, that would be a plus for the tutorial since this mod can be performed either with or without them.

    If you know or here of somebody that needs this done you can make their day, just point them this way.

  11. First of all I'm sorry I lost the email of who ever sent this question to me. Somehow it was delivered into my junkmail folder and of course lost forever but I'm posting the answer in hopes you'll be able to get the solution you want.

    The question was about the distance between the inside of the neck pocket and the top of the holes drilled for an AANJ body.

    Actually since the body curves at the tip there is no real accurate way of having a set standard from manufacturer to manufacturer. They all basically just make the countersink deep enough to keep the washer (grommet) and neck mounting screw from sticking out of the body as pictured below:


    The rear two neck mounting screws are 1 1/2" in length and the two used for the front are 1 1/4" in length. That way you won't go through the neck and dislocate the fret board when screwing the neck on. If you used all the same standard length screws you would end up with something like the following picture:


    As you can see the front screw goes way to far up to do any good.

    Hope this helps, Brian

  12. Just tried to add the .swf file extention to the posting abilitys. Didn't work so I'll check with the maintainence people and see what can be done.

    Yes this time I hired the original creators of the board to setup and host it plus run problems and updates!

    When I get a solution I'll post it, untill then Flash will only work in your personal avatar area.

    Added my own lame attemp at an avatar :D

  13. I've tried refinishing a few. I haven't had much personal success using enamel paints to refinish them though.

    One of the trems in the gallery here was originally black.

    The success I have had came from having the parts plated by a guy in one of those auto body custom shops. He made one of my old trems look brand new with gold plating.

    A few others I have heard have also used powder coating. I have a local guy here that's not only great at it, but can do it in just about any color.

  14. B)

    Thanks Steve!

    It is a solo project so far, but any help is greatly appreciated. Belive it or not Simon being Moderator actually has the power over me in the forum when I'm logged in as Brian :D

    I'm trying my best to keep the site up and going without it turning into another Harmony central or other advertisement based site. I want this to be one of the foremost in educational experiances for the little guy such as ourselves, so you won't see me plugging UJ all over it either.

    It's in the baby stages now with just over 270 pages to reference and as time goes by we should see new faces from places we've never been before


    Peace, Brian

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